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How do handle a relationship especially the LONG DISTANCE one?

Here's the thing, I've been into long distance relationships for about 3 times. The first one, we've got to spend 2 years of being together since we were classmates. But all of a sudden, I transferred to a different school. About a year of being apart with him, we broke up since he was cheating on me >.< Second, I thought he's the one but then - poof! He vanished and now, I've heard that he's getting married T.T The third one was just recent. We dated for 10 months. Since he's a Chinese, his father is so against us and took him with him to Lam Tin. :'( We've seen each other last December since he went to see me. We broke up last month :'( Is it really hard to have a long distance relationships? For me, yes. Since we were from each other, I can't do something to fight for us and left all of unanswered questions. Uwaah. I feel like cryin' while typing this post.
it will drive you crazy
If you can't support somebody else mentally, physically & financially, then you can't really call it a relationship. Sadly to say, a lot of people does it just to have a trophy to brag about & pure selfishness
It's just doomed to fail. Well, at least in my experience
Since physical intimacy is so important to me, I don't bother with long distance relationships unless I know it isn't going to be long distance for long and I've already met them in person. I'm not saying you shouldn't try, just keep your expectations reasonable.
They usually don't last long for me because it's taxing on hugs/kisses/cuddling. Some people can make it work but I'm not one of those people.
LDRs requires an extreme amount of trust and a solid foundation, usually built through friendship prior to dating, in order to succeed. Even then, it is not guaranteed. As soon as that trust starts to waver, it's pretty much game over. I don't recommend ANYONE under 18 here to engage an LDR, nor anybody without the means to travel/meet at least 4+ times a year. Also, things in a LDR have to be 50/50. Both need to put the effort in meeting up and being able to maintain the relationship.
Thank you for all of your feedbacks and thoughts~
long distance is pretty hard...i've had my fair share of that. pretty much like eggs benedict said it requires trust. if you cant see this person being an awesome friend they wont even be an awesome bf/gf. it would help if you guys had a ton in common otherwise the conversation would get stale after a while (you'd end up repeating the same things) and since you probably wont be seeing each other (cuz it is LDR) you will mostly be talking everyday all day and nothing in common means nothing to talk about other than "what are you doing right now?" you seem like a nice person who has just had bad luck. hopefully things work out for you if you do decide to keep dating
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