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Dating is tough lol.

that seems kind of self righteous to me. as if he's some villain that will go around harming women and only a hero such as yourself can put a stop to his nefarious deeds. I really hope thats just how you sound and not how you actually think. I'm not trying to get myself in an argument with you however. so continue on whatever crusade you think is appropriate. I can only request you refrain in the interests of getting along. up to you whether you honor my request.
@eggs: what have I said to women that you find so offensive? You sound like one of those ignorant fools that believes all women are pure and not guilty of anything. And a person who calls someone else a kid is in fact a kid themselves. Im 100% honest that's all. Honesty comes with its own part of side effects. Like for example pissing people off that have little experience with life. Yaasshat seems to understand me the most but still has his judgement that he doesnt like the way I treat females which is fine. I'm just honest so I don't hurt them more later on down the road. I feel as though a lie is more hurtful because its deceitful. And one female that I was talking to on here lied to me first. Not only that but my last two exs in real life both lied and cheated on me. You sound very ignorant eggs. @Akkane Wakuraba: sorry for breaking our deal. I stopped but he kept going. And he calls me childish? He can't even control his own emotions.
Illuminous, I can understand wanting to be honest. I pride myself on being as honest as humanly possible. even when it would get me into trouble. So I get where you're coming from. I don't know what "things you've said about women" that benedict is talking about so I can't comment on that, but I can say that regardless of what he says about you, engaging him probably wont do any good. he seems as dead set in his ways as you are in yours.
That's a little extreme. I don't put up with bullshit, plain and simple. I'm straightforward; I say what I mean and mean what I say, but that doesn't mean I'm incapable of having a healthy debate, either. I'm not protecting the people he's spoke down to or otherwise degraded; they can stick up for themselves. If they ask for help, that's one thing, but I'm not here to randomly protect anyone. But on that note, if the kid wants to pick battles with people, here I am. Edit: Seems he posted before I had. Ill go through his post shortly, but I want to be clear, there are no emotions here. There is no anger, hatred, happiness, sadness... no emotion, simply reading his posts and throwing back at him what he has been throwing at others.
you're not here to protect others, yet you say "what he's said about women is deserving of someone standing up to him" or some such. those two sound like contradictory statements. please explain to me how you're not stepping up to him on behalf of others if what he's said about others is your reasoning for stepping up to him?
@animekirk: that seems to be the case. Kind of like North Korea and the USA. USA is trying to negotiate a peace but NK doesn't want to talk anymore. The things eggs says I can easily turn them around and use them against him. But yeah I guess I'll stop. That one girl that got mad at me spread the word of how cruel I was I believe because I didn't want to be with her. She lied to me first though. She's very deceitful. I can show everyone the messages if they wish to see them. I have nothing to hide.
No, no. Please do. Please turn what I say around. It will be an honour to read such masterpieces.
I don't know what girl, or what things you're speaking of. I think it's best not to go displaying private messages tho, unless absolutely necessary, and not to just prove a point.
@eggs: I'm done talking to you, what you just said is so damn stupid it's not even funny. All you did was escalate a fight for your own pleasure. If you had no emotions then you would have no purpose to lash out at me. I wonder if your actually that girl that hates me? Sounds weird but possible. Either way I don't care. I won't speak to you again. @Animekirk: the girl posted on my wall or profile. You can read a partial argument between me and her if you go on my profile and scroll down. She has two profiles by the way. The last post is her second profile. And there is also some weird ass male that had to come in on the argument and say things like "yeah" or "amen" to add like a social pressure so I could feel bad. I already know how it works so it doesn't bother me.
I had to sign into here via a computer to keep up since mobile typing won't do this justice. In no particular order: 1. You're not honest, you're jaded. You claim to have been hurt, but you refuse to do anything to make things better. Instead, you take the stance on every person is evil, every person lies, and every person isn't worthy of your presence; as if you're omniscient. 2. You been hurt, cheated on, lied to, etc. You're not the only one. You can stay butthurt by that or you can move on. Your problem seems to stem from you being unable to move on, hence, back to above, you feeling jaded. Once you can free yourself from that, your bullshit will cease. 3. To kirk: What he says about women, rather people in general, goes against my personal code of morals and ethics. I'm not protecting anyone, simply challenging him for what has been said. 4. Not all women are pure and innocent. I've been through the ringer quite a few times myself, the difference between us though is I let go of it, learned from the past, and made sure to pay more attention in the future. 5. My philosophy is the same in regards to being blunt over sugar coating shit, as if you read my previous posts, you'd see that. I probably missed a few things. I'll edit this after I read through again. Also: Yes, I am that girl. You caught me. Edit: For someone who apparently hates socialization and people in general, not only does your profile contradict this, but to simply sign up for a forum with, shockingly, people befuddles me. What, pray tell, were you exactly expecting?
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