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Hey everyone!

Introducing myself, friends call me Daryl but my name is Andrew feel free to call me either haha. I love video games and anime (of course) I usually like the shorter anime series, it's a little harder for me to get into the longer series, I love Fullmetal Alchemist (both series), Cowboy Bebop, Space Dandy, and One Punch Man, I can go on but I'll leave it at that for now.
Hi Andrew. Welcome to MO. The longer the better in my opinion , but I'll watch a shorter series too. If I come across something I like and get real attached to it, I hope it stretches to like 300+ lol.
@animefanman7 Thanks! The longer series do have more room for character development and story haha I just like shows to end and not go on for too long, but to each his own haha.
Hi there! I loved One Punch Man and Cowboy Bebop. I just finished watching Space Dandy, too! Super funny!! I loved it!!
@kawaii_sonico Glad to meet someone else who loved Space Dandy! One Punch Man and Cowboy bebop are also awesome of course!
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