has anyone ever felt this? (i really need to talk)

Phoenix @animecountryboy
has anyone ever felt this? (i really need to talk)
Phoenix @animecountryboy
anyone ever felt such rage, it may have been maybe even something small but it light the spark that made everything rush back in in instant (that part i have felt before) and then once they cooled down no longer could feel any emotion at all... i mean anything...

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
has anyone ever felt this? (i really need to talk)
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
I distanced myself from my emotions as a kid by deliberately making bad choices whenever emotions played into the setting, thus making my brain associate having emotions with bad experiences, after a while I just stopped "feeling".
I'm not sure if your brain could do a similar thing as a emergency reaction to whatever it is that triggered it for you, but it is possible to be emotionally dead.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
has anyone ever felt this? (i really need to talk)
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
This is about the saddest post I have run into here. I ranks up the with the super cute girl that believed she was doomed to be forever alone. Real life contains some pain. You can't just shut down or "alone" will be a self fulfilling prophecy. You have to suffer a lot of pain before you find the "one." I'm 62 and had the "one" for 27 years. I lost her but in spite of that pain I am still looking. You can't just give up on life, particulary at your age. Allow yourself to hurt and push forward. It is the only path to happinest.

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
has anyone ever felt this? (i really need to talk)
Phoenix @animecountryboy
finding the "one" has nothing to do with why this happened

Manic @mercule
commented on
has anyone ever felt this? (i really need to talk)
Manic @mercule
i am a pretty mellow and quiet guy, but this kid they had me work with one time was putting me in very dangerous situations. I work in a coal mine and was dusting which that rock dust can kill you if you get caught in it. The kid was supposed to be pulling my hose so i dont get caught in it, but according to him he couldnt see me so he just walks away and leaves me to shut the duster off. After i got out of there i screamed and yelled at him like never before. After that i just didnt care would basically just do most of the work myself and havent really have 2 shits since.

cherryfame @cherryfame
commented on
has anyone ever felt this? (i really need to talk)
cherryfame @cherryfame
i know that feeling when i was young it starting happening i dont remeber much because i forced my self to forget most of i these rage happen to me pretty easily normally during stress

animeplussoccer @animeplussoccer
commented on
has anyone ever felt this? (i really need to talk)
animeplussoccer @animeplussoccer
haha anyone else finding it hard to picture her above^ with rage isues no pon intended

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
has anyone ever felt this? (i really need to talk)
Phoenix @animecountryboy
i am feeling a bit better now, sat/sun were really good so i am feeling a bit better

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
has anyone ever felt this? (i really need to talk)
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Animeplussoccer Actually is not hard to picture her full of rage. People are hit with so much in life that you get use to them going off on you. I am usually the reserve one and blow up once every new moon after the stress builds up. I have lost color vision before from the rage that was years ago since the last time that happened. I usually get control after yelling in the initial explosion. Then I take a walk for a couple of miles to cool off. Weird cause sometimes I over do the walks a bit much and end up places. Lol.
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