Fable Stone Back story

Fable Stone @never_more
Fable Stone Back story
Fable Stone @never_more
Name: Fable Stone
Much like Zecora before him, fable stone is a mysterious pony, or zebra. Fable was once a traveling writer and bard, taking great pleasure in reading the stories of old and visiting different cultures. In his youth, he traveled with a tribe of zebras across the plains of his homeland.
However, after years of traveling, fable left his tribe in search of his own path. In the months that followed, he visited many different countries ranging from griffonstone to yakyakastan.
Eventually, fable arrived in the equestrian capital of cantorlot. Once there, fable decided to look at the cities vast archives and library. Over the course of two weeks, he drowned himself in the stories of equestrian lore.
After his refreshing stop, fable decided to head elsewhere, he had heard of a small town far from the capital, filled with a variety of ponies from every walk of life, a town called ponyville.
Once arriving, fable noticed that the town was preparing for some sort of festival. From the look of things, it seemed to be a music festival, and all of ponyville's top musicians would be in attendance. Seeing this as an opportunity to show the town his talents, he decided to join in.
Fable was able to impress many a pony with both his vocal and instrumental music, buts that not all. Fable had a unique ability to use music to create vivid images.
Needless to say, many ponies loved the performance and fable won the music award. He also, was able to meet some new friends along the way, such as Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, and Lyra Heartstrings.
Fable enjoyed himself so much, that he decided to stay in the town, and even helped build a new library, which he insisted on since he heard the old one was destroyed. This lead to a certain princess being overjoyed and thanking fable several times over.
Fable now spends his days reading equestrian and other world lore, enjoying the music of his new home, and on occasion, having a good gaming session here and there.
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