Favorite color of hair

Rezikai @rezikai
Favorite color of hair
Rezikai @rezikai
I was over at Fakku and there was a thread on how you remember names of characters in an anime your watching for the 1st time and I said I always remember easily b/c usually in an anime no 2 characters will have the same hairstyle/color some my be similar or same color but usually 1 or the other is different.
So this got me thinking what is everyone's favorite color hair on an anime character and in real life in a partner/friend?
jet black and red heads are my fave irl and in anime though I'm not going to forget about the blondes and brunettes...
the Silver haired anime girls though... something about them... scares me.

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
Favorite color of hair
Phoenix @animecountryboy
as long as it is natural i love all hair colors, i dont like it when a girl dyes their hair... i mean a streak or two if it looks nice is ok but other than that i dont like it. i am with ya on the silver hair for anime, but it is because it is so dang cute most of the time, weird how a lot of silver hair anime girls can be scary at times like Laura from IS: Infinite Stratos.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Favorite color of hair
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
OK,... I give. What possible difference does the hair color make? If the chemistry is there, hair color ranks about 101 out of a 100. Lets go purple with pink pok-a-dots.

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Favorite color of hair
Phoenix @animecountryboy
^^ that is why i don't have a preference, when it comes to real life

Rieve @rieve
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Favorite color of hair
Rieve @rieve
I would like to see someone with pure snow white hair with the tips dyed red or vise-versa. That'd just be to awesome! D:

Manic @mercule
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Favorite color of hair
Manic @mercule
real life i dont reallyt have a preference, but in anime something about blue, pink, and especially silver stand about all others. Silver hair characters are normally the coolest.

chibicourt19 @chibicourt19
commented on
Favorite color of hair
chibicourt19 @chibicourt19
Blackish blue here or just blue in general :3

retrooverlord @retrooverlord
commented on
Favorite color of hair
retrooverlord @retrooverlord
Real life? Blonde, black or brown.
Anime, pale blue or light green

Yu @metaljester
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Favorite color of hair
Yu @metaljester
I always liked black or silver

wiglaf @wiglaf
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Favorite color of hair
wiglaf @wiglaf
I also prefer jet black or red hair. I think liking red hair might have something to do with me being of Scottish ancestry though. It's a similarity. The hair on my head is more of a brown, but my beard grows like copper wire.
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