Greetings from Boston!

aggronix @aggronix
Greetings from Boston!
aggronix @aggronix
How's it going everyone?
Any tips for a newbie about what to expect on this site? : )

Theranman2K21 @animefanman7
commented on
Greetings from Boston!
Theranman2K21 @animefanman7
Hello, Aggronix. Its going good for me. Welcome to MO. From my experience, everybody on here is so freaking cool and drama free. I personally like it much better over here than on Facebook to be honest.

aggronix @aggronix
commented on
Greetings from Boston!
aggronix @aggronix
That's great to hear! It's nice to know this place is cool like that

Verflixt @verflixt
commented on
Greetings from Boston!
Verflixt @verflixt
I have to agree with animefanman, and good choice choosing aggron. Hope you enjoy your stay.
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