Hurt foot
kakashe @kakashe
Hurt foot
kakashe @kakashe
I realize probably no one on this site is a doctor but it wouldn't hurt asking for some opinions. Anyways I just hurt my foot running like 10 days ago the pain came out of no where on my run and It hurts a lot to walk on it it's mostly the sides of my foot. It hurts a lot if I squeeze it or touch it and it hurts the most when I'm standing still for some reason even if I lift my foot up it hurts a lot. Another thing is I can stand on my toes just fine its the only way I can walk without hurting. Also the top of my foot has yellow bruising it looks like. So anyone have a idea what it could be.
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
commented on
Hurt foot
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
Hard to say, might be a ligament tear or stress fracture. Wouldn't hurt to see a doctor if you can. I suggest not running for awhile till it heals but try to walk normally. So use it but don't stress it till you know what's up or the pain goes away.
kakashe @kakashe
commented on
Hurt foot
kakashe @kakashe
Yah I'll likely just try icing it
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