Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?

leo @coolerthanleo1
Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?
leo @coolerthanleo1
I'm actually beginning to wonder if I'm the only one here that is actually looking for love. Not that that's a bad thing. Just wondering if there were any other lonely souls out there who would like to start a real relationship with anyone on this site.

hoodedfang @hoodedfang
commented on
Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
I believe I have answered a thread or two that asked the very same question as this. I'm not a lonely soul, but I'm always up for a relationship with anyone that's willing. Other than that, the waiting game is pretty fun.

bobko11 @bobko11
commented on
Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?
bobko11 @bobko11
Eh it's more like friends and if you get that 1 in a billion chance to find somebody online then awesome but most people here are fine with just talking

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
i stopped caring a while ago lol before i was actively looking for it now im like meh. if it happens it happens if not well at least i get to live the singles life without having to worry about someone else 24/7

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?
yaasshat @yaasshat
What makes you think you're the only one? Is it just because it seems hard to find here or...?

leo @coolerthanleo1
commented on
Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?
leo @coolerthanleo1
It's just that I'm frustrated. I'm not normally what you would call outgoing in social circles. Hell, I only got a Facebook because I had to for school. And even then, I forgot the password. So you can imagine that putting myself out on a site like this, one that is listed as a dating site and getting nothing for months makes me feel like either there's either something wrong with me as a person, or not very many people are looking.

taletellerinabox @taletellerinabox
commented on
Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?
taletellerinabox @taletellerinabox
Not many are actively looking, is more like "If it happens it happens"

bobko11 @bobko11
commented on
Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?
bobko11 @bobko11
It's not you there's nothing wrong with anybodys personality just the chances of finding someone you're both physically and emotionally attached to especially on a website is quiet low

leo @coolerthanleo1
commented on
Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?
leo @coolerthanleo1
I guess it was pretty presumptuous and almost rude to think that I was one of a small group. I guess there really must be something wrong with me.

hoodedfang @hoodedfang
commented on
Anyone here actually interested in a relationship?
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
@Box Bro
Sometimes I read that as "I gave up and am too lazy to give it another shot." But my mind is weird like that. XD
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