Baby Steps- Tennis manga/anime

CMYang @choua
Baby Steps- Tennis manga/anime
CMYang @choua
Is anyone here a big ass fan of Baby Steps like me? I mean c'mon, it's got the perfect amount of romance, a good and realistically paced story and awesome characters. What more could you want from a sports manga/anime right? (:

Shytaku @shy_otaku
commented on
Baby Steps- Tennis manga/anime
Shytaku @shy_otaku
I personally don't watch Baby Steps, but I've seen my brother obsess over it multiple times:
Me: Why does that guy have such a baby face?
Bro: It's Baby Steps.
Me: Huh?
Bro: Baby Steps.
Me: ...
...I'm still not sure why it's called Baby Steps but I have to ask: IS IT CAUSE THE MAIN CHARA HAS A BABY FACE?!?! Main-chara girl is pretty cute tho.
On that note, I haven't watched sports anime since Hajime no Ippo or Touch... and those were a long time ago! (Well I guess Chihayafuru counts but that's been a while too). I've been meaning to watch Haikyuu to improve my chances with the ladies--ERRR, I MEAN!!!

CMYang @choua
commented on
Baby Steps- Tennis manga/anime
CMYang @choua
To shytaku- you actually don't find out why it's called Baby Steps until further into the story lol! Even then I think it only implies that the mc should take "baby steps" as he enters the tennis world. Yeah he's got a baby face too, and that weird hairstyle but really, it's an awesome manga/anime! Your bro knows his stuff! Haha
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