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Sep 20, 16 at 4:23am
A simple question Many people on the site are here for connections so I have a question for anybody who wishes to answer. Do you think in your current position that a relationship is more beneficial and you are able to support it?
Sep 20, 16 at 5:48am
If you can't support somebody else mentally, physically & financially, then you can't really call it a relationship. Sadly to say, a lot of people does it just to have a trophy to brag about & pure selfishness.
Sep 20, 16 at 11:24am
I don't think I'm in a position for a relationship, but I'm always up for trying. For me, a relationship helps me feel more focused on things. And I know how to use my money wisely when I want to do something, so I can easily save up for visits and stuff. It might be hard to do things at first, but getting through all that would just make everything more enjoyable. And if you can't get through hard times now, then how will you be able to later on down the road? Though overall, I think it'll be fine as long as there's understanding between the two of us. So the real challenge is finding someone willing to go through that. XD
1.) Yes. 2.) Depends what kind of support you're describing. Physical, emotional, monitory (going along with physocal, as in visiting and such.), and possibly sexual. That last ones degree varies from relationship to relationship, but is still important.
Sep 20, 16 at 2:37pm
Don't think i'm in the best position especially being busy with just the daily tasks of life ex.school, but like hoodedfang said i wouldn't mind to still make an effort. While i agree you need to be able to support your partner in a relationship, i don't think delaying it any longer because you're not in an ideal situation is the best option either, cuz then it'll never happen. I mean like when i see my friends and couples on campus, people from late teens all the way to young adults in grad school, were all just students with a lot of hardship like student loans, balancing a part time job and studying, etc. but they still have time to date, some even getting married after graduation. It's pretty hard and won't happen over night, but people still make it work, otherwise by that logic you wouldn't even consider dating till late adult hood if you're waiting for the right time, which, is why it helps to find someone you kind of have not only similar characteristics in common with but you guys also can relate to each other and understand each other's position, which is the hard part lol.
Sep 20, 16 at 5:00pm
@OP: Yes, a relationship is beneficial to me. I'm at a point in my life where I'd like to be with someone I can share my life with and join me in my adventures. I can fully support a relationship. Like many, I lead a busy life. The way I see things, if I have time to do my activities, then I can certainly make time to build a relationship.
Sep 20, 16 at 7:46pm
It would benefit me greatly. When I have a gf i feel like I have limiless energy and nothing negative bothers me whatsoever. But a lot of people tend to think money is the only power in the world. Everyone's going to end up dead one way or another so when is the right time to get married or date? Everyone just has their own opinion of when they should or shouldn't do things. And I was able to support the relationship. But I can't anymore because I quit my job. Well I could if I somehow I got a gf. Because for where there is a "Will", there is also a way. How people get ahead in life is basically by how many connections you have or how many people you know and if they like you. That's basically what college is for. You go to college to make connections then use them whenever you see fit if you know how to. College isn't for learning or anything useful. You can learn all that crap from college on your own. I would think that the human species would be more civilized and more advanced then this. But selfishness slows down progress. Unhappiness is the biggest factor of why selfishness starts in the first place. I know no one really cares though.
I am not admittedly in the best place financially, school is rather expensive after all. However I am not looking for someone to support me financially, once I graduate I'll be quite stable so really I'm looking for a potential partner, someone who can take care of themselves financially without either of us worrying over the other in that regard. Emotionally I feel like I'm in a good place to date someone, I am not really lonely or unhappy at this point so I feel I could possibly be very nice to a special someone. Physically I am healthy as a horse the doctors always say so I can't possibly be a letdown in that regard.
Rain @rainx commented on Relationship?
Sep 22, 16 at 10:43am
It'd be nice and I think I am in a good place fiscally and emotionally for one. In regards to specifically this site however, I'm not really looking for any sort of LDR. Maybe if I were 10 years younger, but right now I frankly dont have the patience for dealing with them. My current rule of thumb is that if I have to look at taking a plane to go visit someone, its probably not gonna work out in the long run.
Sep 22, 16 at 3:14pm
Agreed with Spiffy_pumpkin. Im also aware that a relationship works best through trying times too. If everything is supposed to be perfect and happy then there is no test of time. A couple works together and break through anything that comes there way. Financially long as both sides are stable it shouldn't be a problem over all. But when it comes to money communication is the best method.
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