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Women approaching men

No need for me to approach a girl they just flock to me because I'm just that hawt lel ;) am basically a combination of Lelouch, Izaya, Hei (darker than black) and Sasuke :D girls love that sht :3 but on a more serious note it's easier just to talk on forums if they have interest they will add you and talk first better than being creep #69 like someone said before me, imo girls have it too easy
Nov 15, 16 at 12:51am
Sadly, I was never the one being chased. Always the one chasing. And honestly, for once, I just wish someone could show even a minuscule of interest for me. Heck, I'm usually the one adding people here. Because, nobody really bothers to add me. Well, I just wish someone was actually afraid of losing me for once. Something like that. Basically, girls just rarely ever approach guys. Come on, some have like 20+ dudes on their profile, and I just learn to accept the sad reality that I'm just that guy at the bottom of their already big pile. They're almost never talking exclusively to you. That's just how it is... And it's not even limited to this site only. I admit, it just gets frustrating
You're a nice looking guy, you just gotta keep at it :) Tho i can understand how you feel sucks, but there are alot of stuck up girls out there, but there is also lots of nice girls that are probably just like you they wanna find someone but are shy, thats why you need some confidence in yourself :D trust me you are no way near close to some of the ugly males i've met xD don't let someone not adding you get you down, I mean at the end of the day its their loss :)
Nov 15, 16 at 1:48am
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Nov 15, 16 at 2:20am
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Wait guys chase you Naomi :O the tarantula loving weirdo :D https://33.media.tumblr.com/6ae93b11c48cb5c53908cead34e2d1e4/tumblr_n7fks0XeBh1t89rpeo1_500.gif
Nov 15, 16 at 12:11pm
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I wouldn't mind being chased for once. I was always really bad at it xD @Naomi Gotta love Galvantula
i dont really like when girls chase after me. as flattering as it is, its kinda boring. i rather someone who plays hard to get (not like tsundere or anything) like someone who shows interest but isnt "easy" if that makes sense. i've had girls do the chasing and it comes off as aggressive. like they dont just hint that they like you, they throw it in your face
Nov 16, 16 at 8:54pm
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