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Women approaching men

You don't mean me right? xD
Nov 17, 16 at 2:42pm
@Kassandra Anger is not a good emotion to have. It might feel good to rain down on someone, but in the end it doesn't really pay off and it just wasted a few hours, days or even years of your life not being happy. Forgiving is not about the person who did something wrong, but about the person whom something wrong was done to. If you never forgive people for what they did, they will keep having control over you. A few hours ago you kept getting triggered and that's not good for you. I'm sorry that you felt so angry so often today
Nov 17, 16 at 2:43pm
Nov 17, 16 at 2:47pm
This thread has changed into some random shit thread. Kind of like last one to post wins
I know right, I'm still waitimg from more input from the ladies point of view on this topic.
Nov 17, 16 at 2:58pm
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Nov 17, 16 at 3:02pm
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Nov 17, 16 at 3:03pm
@Kassandra It's noble that you want to warn people so they won't go through the same thing as you. Still, you should then focus on something bigger. Warning people about a person you feel has wronged you, won't warn them for people that can hurt them. Awareness about catfish or something like that might be more worthy of your energy. Still, you do you and I do me (and whoever is lucky enough =P) and the world will be a happy place, right? XD
Nov 17, 16 at 3:04pm
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