Any ps2 gamers here?

The One who control the Da @pussydestroyer
Any ps2 gamers here?
The One who control the Da @pussydestroyer
Hi, Im still playing on ps2 and i asked myself, hey are other guys play with it, too?, so my question is: What are you playing? I like to play MGS2, FF X, Naruto Ultimate Ninja series and Devil may Cry. So Im new here, it would be great, if someone help me^^.

xingthecrow @xingthecrow
commented on
Any ps2 gamers here?
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
I'm in love with JRPGs and I find that the ones that were on PS2 were the best I've ever played. They don't make those like they used to. I like FFX as well; played it maybe three or four times around.

Wagen @ivo
commented on
Any ps2 gamers here?
Wagen @ivo
I'm currently playing Mercenaries, Devil Kings and GTA San Andreas.
One of my favourites is Genji: Dawn of The Samurai. Just finished on Hard Mode months ago, after years...

Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
commented on
Any ps2 gamers here?
Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
I still play mine for mostly old jrpgs a d fatal frame games.

traumaticsherry @traumaticsherry
commented on
Any ps2 gamers here?
traumaticsherry @traumaticsherry
I love my Ps2 a lot

gone @mrdragonballzv
commented on
Any ps2 gamers here?
gone @mrdragonballzv
i played ps2 a lot when i was a kid and teen game like hitman and dragon ballz game

garrett1717 @garrett1717
commented on
Any ps2 gamers here?
garrett1717 @garrett1717
I used to play ps2 but I upgraded to ps4 but I loved ps2

Panda @mrpanduhhh
commented on
Any ps2 gamers here?
Panda @mrpanduhhh
PS2 is probably the console I played the most. What I miss was all the obscure games you can buy for it. I would probably get one again to play some FFX because I have a special place in my heart for that game. I have a memory card with just FFX save files xD

taletellerinabox @taletellerinabox
commented on
Any ps2 gamers here?
taletellerinabox @taletellerinabox
Still keeping the good ol PS2 running, I mean, what any other way could I keep playing Dark Cloud? Maybe if it dies I will have to try to found another one, or emulate, but till then the good ol faithful PS2 is up and running.

yalc90 @yalc90
commented on
Any ps2 gamers here?
yalc90 @yalc90
I still play resident evil outbreak 1 & 2. Vice city and evil dead every now and then
Kinda wish they'd remake Outbreak so I could play online again
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