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Why do girls always friend zone nice guys

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@Nihilus Because it's in our nature. So we can reproduce and pass on our genetic material to the next generation.
All you can really do is get over the person because you can't just make them like you. I know it hurts to be rejected but, It just means it wasn't meant to be. The friend zone doesn't exist. I've had people tell me that they only see my as a friend when I end up telling them how I felt and that's okay. I'd rather put my feelings aside than lose friendship with someone that is important to me I'm not in a hurry to find somebody because I know it will happen one day. I'll always treat everyone with the same kindness regardless. ^_^
@Emperor, because it feels better than anything I can think of. I would rather be having sex than doing anything else. Until I'm really hungry or really sleepy or really sore.
I just feel like there's A LOT of over generalization going on here and defense since someone seems to be taking all of this as a personal attack. As for sex, not just because it feels good( And it does), but because as GUN put it "It's in our nature" and besides, no one would be here without it. We breed to keep going and keep going to breed.
It's more like, Girls have a big friendzone and a small fuckzone where guys tend to have a big fuckzone and small friendzone. At least if you generalize things. Guys are designed by nature to fuck as many holes as possible before we die where girls are designed to find the best male/males out the hundred that want to fuck her. Socially speaking, girls are naturally on the defensive and sometimes even shell shocked from fending off all the guys that mostly just want to fuck. If she fucks multiple guys, everyone calls her a slut. If she refuses to fuck guys, people call her a bitch (generally speaking) in a way it's a no win situation at times. Girls mostly just want to take their time to find the right guy and aren't against being friends with some guys if they don't get harassed for sex and such too much (aka, the friendzone).
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The problem is that society encourages the negative aspects of gender roles such as guys being "players" and girls either being "prudes" or "sluts" and using their sexuality to manipulate men for wealth or power. So people grow up thinking they have to take on one of those roles to integrate into society and be successful. The net effect is that people don't feel able to be honest about their emotions and sexuality for fear of being socially rejected by mainstream society. This causes lots of relationship problems.
Being rejected by women doesn't mean a person has the right to vilify them. Even if every woman in the world didn't want to have sex with a guy, it doesn't justify that guy being angry at women for not wanting his dusty ass. Now I think I'll have a cup of tea and browse OKCupid. https://cdn-img-1.wanelo.com/p/5ee/a5f/bdc/7169a276242d6c7ccf9e216/x354-q80.jpg
Vice versa as well, Will respond at a later date.
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