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All work and no friends makes Jack a dull boy

Hello. I am a 24 year old Male who lives in Florida. I love to watch anime (except for Mecha genre for some reason). I am single and not looking for anything serious. A 2 year relationship with a woman who I really loved just ended. So that's my reason for joining MaiOtaku. I am often logical when I need to be and most often quirky and weird. I...despite graduating with a degree in Communication, have trouble socializing right now. Normally, I will be very social and approachable, but right now I'm rather, confined...and not in the fun hentai way :D ...another thing about me is I like to break the awkwardness with humor...so that explains my joke right there...but no...seriously, bondage is fun :D I am trying to put myself out there by posting this. I am 6' 2'' with brown hair and brown/hazel eyes. White with a burn mark on my chest from being stupid that I like to refer to as my third nipple :D I like walking around and going on an occasional adventure. I prioritize based on what is needed. So as much as I would love to go to Japan one day, priority is paying rent and possibly going back to school soon. I do have a job...but don't want to discuss where I work. No it's nothing shady nor glamorous such as hunting down a vampire army. I am...sensitive most times, but try my best not to be. I love to paint and create...but not pro-create since I have no interest in becoming a daddy any time soon. Oh...as noticed in the title and also in some of the description...I have very few friends lately. Sometimes when you graduate the people you enjoyed talking to go their own way and talk with you less.
no work and no friends makes me a person with no life https://media.giphy.com/media/qhK0BXJETc4tq/giphy.gif ladies keep your panties on anyway welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay fellow floridian :3
Welcome to MO!
Thank you for the welcome. I hope to get to know some of you a bit more.
Welcome to MO! ^_^ May your here journey be amazing. :)
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