Learning Lua programming
Hopesedge @hopesedge
Learning Lua programming
Hopesedge @hopesedge
If there are any people here that know or are able to program using Lua I was wondering if you had any learning tips to someone who wishes to take it up as their first programming language.
Yu @metaljester
commented on
Learning Lua programming
Yu @metaljester
Seeing as nothing has been added to help. I don't have knowledge of it myself but I would check this link they have a course that's pretty good based on reviews from others.
Hopesedge @hopesedge
commented on
Learning Lua programming
Hopesedge @hopesedge
Ow nice, it's similar to codecademy for HTML, thanks.
Reiko @reiko
commented on
Learning Lua programming
Reiko @reiko
- This will help you go through the basics.
- LUA reference manual.
- Samples to try out.
- A tutorial.
- A bunch of eBooks.
Hope these links help.
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