Achieving Our Goals

hoodedfang @hoodedfang
Achieving Our Goals
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
I'm sure I'm not the only one here that have plans and goals to either improve myself overall or do things like drawing and side projects. And I'm sure I'm not the only one that can't get anything done because of general life stuff. After getting annoyed so much about this happening and that I have a somewhat waifu-ish like goal to achieve, I just decided to do what I can to get my goals done. I'm tired and annoyed that I haven't gotten anything done with each passing day because of all this random crap I have to deal with in my life. So instead of talking about things I plan or want to do, I will be doing more now. I can rest when I'm dead after all.
Before listing how this works, please remember that this is a serious thread to help others fight procrastination and laziness. Now on to how this will work.
1 - When posting a goal you want to accomplish, be sure to state the date you want to be done by or have a certain amount of progress done by then. For example, anyone wanting to have something like a comic made would say the amount of pages with the date they want to have those pages done by, basically "25 pages by September 25th". Losing weight, getting muscle, other things like that, works the same way. I'll have a list of everyone that made a goal.
2 - Once a week, on every Saturday, you must provide some kind of progress report. If the goal takes less than a week, then you just report on the end result.
3 - Anyone can remind the people on the list at any time about that person's goal as long as it's not spamming. Or if someone wants to appoint a friend that can only remind them, they can state the person along with their goal. Personally, I go hard on people if they ask me to help them stay focus on their work. Even if you're not doing any goals, it's helpful when friends help friends like this.
4 - If you can't finish the goal on time then say so. This is to help you get over your own laziness. So if you need more time, it's fine. If you quit, it's fine. Remember this is for helping you get things done after all.
Honestly, I find that letting others know what I'm doing helps me actually get to it. Because if I just tell myself, I won't really get anything done. So hopefully most would want to try and do some personal goals regardless of what's going on in their life. Unless it's really, really bad or important of course.
I'll start with my goal. It'll be simple. I plan to have a small jigsaw puzzle game made of some of the pictures used by the people here by August 27th.

hoodedfang @hoodedfang
commented on
Achieving Our Goals
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
- "I plan to have a small jigsaw puzzle game made of some of the pictures used by the people here by August 27th." *Reported on page 4, 6, 8* -COMPLETED-
- "By Halloween, I want the overall site to be done." (Full info on page 12.) *Reported on page 13*
LadyAlice - "I will save enough money to pay off my library debt by August 25 and finally get new books!"
- "Learning Electrocardiograms and getting another certification under my belt. By December 30." *Reported on page 5, 6*
- "Make sure to post this on Saturday and not be late."
yaasshat - "Better interview skills." (No date given, but it's yaass. So pass? >.>)
- "I guess a goal of mine right now is to start and finish a research paper that is due on the 29th of September." -COMPLETED-
- "Learn to make vegetable curry." *Reported on page 6, 8, 11*
- "I will finish all of our game routes and do at least 1/8 of the programming and be done by 31 October 2016." (Full info on page 2.) *Reported on page 4, 5, 8, 11*
- "I need to come up with the final decision as to whether I'm staying here in Papua New Guinea as a marine scientist or taking on a new career challenge in South Sudan as a lead conflict negotiator by 30 September 2016." (Full info on page 7.) *Reported on page 8, 11* -COMPLETED-
- "I feel like my writing is lacking in some regards, so my goal is to finish this secret manga script (aka fully proofread/edited) by September 30th!" (Full info on page 2.) *Reported on page 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13* -COMPLETED-
- "COMPLETE MANGA DRAFT (or "name" as it were in Japan) BY OCTOBER 30TH!!!" (Full info on page 13.) *Reported on page 13*
- "Draw one kawaii anime girl per week... but only sketch" (Full info on page 6.) *Reported on page 8, 9, 12, 13*
- "I will like/heart my own progress report, but only successful ones!" (Full info on page 6.)
usagi - "My goal is to make it though this last year." (December 31, 2016) *Reported on page 5, 6*
eldertaco - "On December 31st I will release my second film, whether it's a short or a full length, remains to be seen." + "Get TEFL certified - Not sure how long it takes but I'll give myself until December 31 as well." (Full info on page 3.) *Reported*
RainX - "So I just uploaded a video to my youtube channel recapping today's 3DS direct. First since February. Goal is to now do at least one a week going forward."
- "As a goal, I'd like to become confident enough in my art to actually share it with others." (Full info on page 3. And due date set to December 31st.) *Reported on page 5, 6, 7, 9, 12*
- "I want to write 2,500 words a week." (Full info on page 7.) *Reported on page 9, 12*
Juveh - "To go back to school by 2017 and start my goal to become a respitory therapist."
reigami - "Goal Weight 174 by June (Akon)" (Full info on page 8.) *Reported on page 10, 11, 12*
JackTechno - "I have a woodworking project that needs to get done. I already put a deadline on it for September 18th."
MobMVP - "I need to get in shape." Will report once a week. (Full info on page 10.)

LadyAlice @ladyalice
commented on
Achieving Our Goals
LadyAlice @ladyalice
I'll get in on this! I'll start small too, I went out of town awhile ago and forgot to turn in some library books before I went. The book are in but I've been to embarrassed to pay the overdue fee which I'm sure is a lot because oops. SO...
LadyAlice-" I will save enough money to pay off my library debt by August 25 and finally get new books! whoop whoop

Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue
commented on
Achieving Our Goals
Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue
I would just like to commend you for starting this thread. It's like an accountability tool for MO users. This is nice. :)

hoodedfang @hoodedfang
commented on
Achieving Our Goals
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
@Ringo Bingo
Thanks. :D
You have been added to the list.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Achieving Our Goals
Yu @metaljester
This is a pretty good idea for a thread well done hoodedfang I commend you.
It's a proven method actually, that doesn't always work alone. A thing called social reality for instance, by telling your goals to others you receive satisfaction if the response is purely positive feedback this tricks your brain though into thinking it's already done. However being reminded and forced to give updates shifts this into pushing towards a goal so it should work effectively.
To play along I will list one goal I am working on.
Learning Electrocardiograms and getting another certification under my belt.
December 30

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Achieving Our Goals
yaasshat @yaasshat
Hit the nail on the head again. Goals are no good if they are merely desires. However, one of my goals has already been met and now it's just to make more money...whenever that will be.XD Gotta adult a bit.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Achieving Our Goals
Yu @metaljester
Yes indeed climb those stairs, Hopefully they will be escalator stairs.
Very much so based on what you told me.
I think you will find something you sound like the person that does good in interviews and showcasing your skills at least on here.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Achieving Our Goals
yaasshat @yaasshat
Ha! Two different people between here and offline. I absolutely HATE interviews, even if it's just a simple one. I suppose that can be another goal to reach for, better interview skills. If all I had to do for an interview was to write out instead of speak, it'd go a whole lot smoother.XD
Life goals don't have to be huge in order to make a huge difference.

Sunbae @alanzd
commented on
Achieving Our Goals
Sunbae @alanzd
I like this idea! I guess a goal of mine right now is to start and finish a research paper that is due on the 29th of September for the chance at an internship that will hopefully land me a graduate spot in one of the Ivy Leagues after I complete it. If I am one of the people that are offered the spot, I start exactly one year from now, meaning I might have to drop my Master's program in UCSD, but, it's an investment I am willing to make in order to gain admission to an Ivy League's graduate's program!
I plan on writing about the exclusionary rule, but more specifically, breaking down the cases that revolve around "The Fruits of the Poisonous Tree" Doctrine and the use of circumstantial evidence that does not prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and why it is unconstitutional. And a few others, but in case anyone is also applying for that same internship, I'd rather not give away my compelte battle plan :D
I plan on focusing on the famous case of OJ Simpson and a few other famous cases like Silverthorne Lumber, Mapp vs. Ohio, just to name a few, but I also plan on using a few local cases that I have helped on.
On top of that, I plan on discussing why both executive privilege AND Client-Lawyer privilege are both unconstitutional. What the CLP basically does is that even if the criminal confesses to the crime to his lawyer, his lawyer cannot say anything about his guilt unless the criminal consents to it. The 5th Amendment, the one that states that a criminal doesn't have to self incriminate himself, is the defense that many justice systems use to keep Client-Lawyer confidentiality, but it doesn't work the other way around.
What I mean by this is that if the lead investigator/prosecutor finds something that could potentially prove his innocence, they are not allowed to withhold that information. This is officially called the Brady Violation. Normally, this sounds okay, but this only applies to the prosecution, meaning that the defendant can withhold as much evidence as they want. Not to mention the Right of Discovery rule. Since the defense can actually withhold evidence that proves the criminal's guilt, they get an inherent advantage over prosecutors. Basically, the enemy knows your battle plan and you don't. Rules don't seem too fair, right?
Sorry! I can't give any specific cases or else I would risk revealing my battle plan!
Another goal would be to take more vitamins like Omega-3!
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