Thoughts on No Man's Sky

Yu @metaljester
Thoughts on No Man's Sky
Yu @metaljester
So it's been a few days what are everybody's thoughts on it so far.
I remember it in its infancy and how far it's come from there but after the latest update and the intent of the creator I feel that this game will be very long lasting.
Not just for the overall space of it but the updates and all the things you can do.
I think it will tone down a lot by the end of this year but it will always have a dedicated fan base that spawns new players.
The visuals are pretty great surprisingly for ps4 as well. I would say the variety is well done too in terms of creatures, planets, terrain even the oceans.
What are your thoughts though on it?

mr_ambig @mr_ambig
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Thoughts on No Man's Sky
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
I personally feel that this game sounds incredible in theory, but won't maintain a strong fan base over time as people get bored with it. I was excited about it and the concept but as the release date drew near I sort of just lost interest. There isn't really much to do in the game.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Thoughts on No Man's Sky
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Reminds me of spore but first person

Rain @rainx
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Thoughts on No Man's Sky
Rain @rainx
It basically suffers from Shenmue Syndrome, a love it or hate it game.
If you go into it with the expectation it's an exploration game with resource management and gathering aspects, there's a lot you can get out of it.
If you're expecting some grand action oriented space adventure with lots of shooting, combat, and epic space battles, you probably won't like or get much out of the game.

Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
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Thoughts on No Man's Sky
Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
This account has been suspended.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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Thoughts on No Man's Sky
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Are people building monolithic penises yet?
It sounds like a game where people would end up building monolithic penises- but y'know, in space.
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