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Must haves

Aug 10, 16 at 4:59am
Name at least three attributes you feel that you absolutely need to have in a partner. Here's the catch: You can not use variations of 'nice', 'good personalty', 'confident', or 'pretty eyes'. Those are very common expectations among most people and will be considered cop outs.
Aug 10, 16 at 5:13am
Intelligence Sense of Humor Loyal
Aug 10, 16 at 6:00am
Somewhat same interests as me Not wanting kids Sense of Humor (totally stealing this from HumanoidS)
Aug 10, 16 at 9:38am
-Creativity - A girl's gotta have an imagination if we're going to be together. -Compassion - Not the same thing as merely "Nice", I swear. Its where "nice" meets empathy and strength... Oh, I guess that also crosses over with "Confident" doesn't it. Okay, guess I'll add a fourth one to compensate. -Geekiness - A given, considering I'm here. -Adventurous - Its tough for me to date a girl who hates being outside. She doesn't have to be outdoorsy, per say, but if I'm taking her to Athens to run around with me shooting zombies with nerf guns, or out into the hocking hills state parks to see dem pretty water falls, I'd need someone who likes being there. Same goes for anime cons. Someone who can take my hand and introduce me to something new via a panel, or want to check out something I suggest for the experience and/or mutual interest totally pwns the experience of being with a girl who just wants to be grumpy in the room all day.
Aug 10, 16 at 10:54pm
-Willingness to build a future together. I'm not interested in them having their shit together, life is hard and some are late bloomers like myself. -Loyalty This is something you can only hope for and in my experience is a rare thing to find in others. -Accepting my baggage like I'll expect theirs I don't make a big deal out of silly stuff, like how many men she's been with..that really has no effect on anything imo. Doesn't make her a hoe or a thot, were all entitled to have our own experiences. same with kids, abusive past or w/e else.
Rain @rainx commented on Must haves
Aug 10, 16 at 11:24pm
- acceptance of my gaming habits. I don't play 24/7 and want to spend time with you, but gaming is my main pastime and it's part of the package when dating me. - no children. I'm friends with a few mom's out there, but given I'm completely undecided in wanting a family of my own down the road, I'm really not interested in walking into an already made one. I also want to date someone who doesn't have the time commitment raising a child requires so we can better spend our free time together getting to know each other. - weighing under 200lbs. I by no means need to date a stick and frankly don't think I'm asking for the world on this one. I actually love curvier women. But health and attraction are important to me given my own fitness goals and being excessively overweight is not a desirable trait to me.
Aug 10, 16 at 11:59pm
- Intelligent/ educated, informed, good sense of humor, able to carry a conversation - Nerdy/ wants to cosplay with me, is into anime/manga and cartoons/comics, enjoys cons and ren fests - Sexually desirable/ attractive and kink-compatible
Aug 11, 16 at 12:57am
Normal list -Accepting of my nice nature, my pervy nature, my dark nature, and just me in general as I would accept all of them. -Being fine with my gamer life. Either watching, joining in, or is just not going to complain about it. -Ummm...uhhh....playful. Pervy List -A good punany (Yes, I like using the word "punany." XD). -Is willing to do pervy things here and there. And up there and under there. -Ummm..... oral enthusiast.
Aug 11, 16 at 1:07am
Attractive is never bad. A cuddler. Accepting of depression, and that I won't always be happy. Humorous. Edit: Adding: accepting of my kinks.
being loyal/faithful whatever you wanna call it- obviously i dont want someone who has multiple other guys she dates let alone one besides me compatibility- how well we get along. anyone who has a great sense of humor and can make every second im around them enjoyable same interests- probs the biggest aside from loyalty. we can get along all day but if we dont have anything in common then whats the point?
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