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Introduction to me.

My name is Jon, I have watched well over 1,000 different anime within my lifetime. I am currently 26, I live in Michigan. I have a 2 year old Deaf son. on July 8th this year, I was in a near fatal car accident, got into a collision with a 5 ton Semi truck with a trailer. No one has any idea how I am currently alive, I have 2 broken legs currently able to use the right leg to do short transfers from like bed to a wheel chair. And such. Hospital said I should make a recovery and walk again. Hopefully anyway. I have 3 plates in each leg 1 on each ankle, and a plate on my left hip as my left leg took the brunt of the Semi. Turns out when police showed up to the accident my car was on fire too. I have no burns, legs were fixed up I look like I've just been in a regular accident. but my car was literally smashed, cops presumed me dead and walked away, guy behind me heard me yelling my sons name before I passed back out. (thought he was with me thank god he wasn't) currently going through a divorce, wife never showed up at my bedside and went off to NY to cheat on me. I was in a coma for 1 week. I have no memory of ever driving. But there was no brain damage. my car was a 1993 oldmobile royal 88, thing was built like a tank, when the semi hit, the whole front portion of my car was Gone. and the drivers seat was pretty much touching the Trunk of the car. Currently going through physical therapy to recover. going to be about 4-5 weeks before I can safely use my left leg as there are many broken spots from what I seen in the x-rays. My favorite kind of anime is psychological thrillers, comedies, suspense, things that keep you guessing to the end. And then you turn out to be wrong entirely. I married the wrong girl and I want to find a girl who deserves me. I act goofy at times, I enjoy making people laugh. At the same time I am anti social but yet 1 on 1 I can make friends with anyone I meet. Irony...I have a really big heart, but at the same time I am extremely stubborn. I do listen and talk. Should anyone be interested in me..Don't hesitate to message me. I could use the company. I'm currently bedridden for a while. :P
Oh my, very thought out introduction. Welcome to MO and sorry those unfortunate things happened to you:<
Aug 06, 16 at 6:17pm
After writing all that I decided to make that my about me, since it was longer and more detailed, nice to meet you btw. And thank you.
Aug 06, 16 at 8:39pm
The longest introduction I've read so far, hope your recovery goes well man, welcome to MO
Aug 06, 16 at 9:26pm
Thanks, pleasure to meet you Leeks. I'll have to read over your profile. How are things going?
Welcome to the site, sir. I wish you luck on your recovery!
Welcome, thats probably one of the heavier intros here. From what I can tell from my time here, you can at least count on friendly ppl here and they even got group support thread somewhere in serious discussion forum. Heres to a speedy recovery for ya 2
Aug 07, 16 at 1:12am
Yeah sorry bout the "heavy part" I actually came on here to make friends with similar interests in anime and what not. I have like 2 friends who watch Anime. At the same time, I would love to find a girl who shares those interests as well. Cause watching anime with a significant other makes it like 8 times funner and more interesting to share. You guys are all welcome to add me on here. I'm generally a nice person, can be extremely stubborn though. Most generally I get along with almost anyone. And I've been told that I am a fun friend? xD Idk how I am though I don't do much...Just talk and be myself for the most part lol
Thats all we should ask. :O Get enough of that "mask" and fake exterior smile stuff at work or other places
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