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Jotaro Kujo. Why he is now nurfed

Now let me preface by saying, Jotaro is considered still to be one of the most powerful stand users, but this is just to give reason to why he is the way he is post part 3 Jojo's. This Video will show you where im coming from and the whole point of this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhWi0ayRYX4 Now I know, what an ass whole, he was able to bring his grandfather Joseph Joestar back to life by using his stand Starplatinum to recirculate his blood flow by squeezing it... So why couldnt he do it for Josuke's grandfather? You have to realize that Jotaro belongs to the beginning of the whole stand powers thing. When it was all being created in part 3, Hirohiko Araki obviously made Jojo a little over powered, There are plenty of moments in the newer parts that he could have just stopped time.(Avoid Brown Rat and Ear-biten shots) But Araki realized he was too powerful when he was initially made, so that good old 7 second The world, is now and forever 2 seconds.(still pretty good at stopping time) And to be able to reach into the body and pulsate the heart, is just a ex machine that really stapled how over powered Starplatinum originally was, because if he could just reach into Joseph's body and grab his heart, you would think he could just beat people by reaching into them. So they Nerfed him and gave him real limiters and his stand actually follows the rules of the universe (janky ass universe). So when fans question, "Oh Jotaro could have just stopped time and solve all fights." Remember, he has been nurfed, and it is even said in the first encounter with Josuke, that he can not use THE WORLD like he did before, only being able to hold it for 2 seconds. These limits allow for better reasoning to why new issues have become actual issues. Basically saying he is out of spirit shape. Allowing for other newer characters to shine and solve the issues in their own creative way. Because face it, a series where a guy could just stop time to solve all his conflicts would get boring fast.(especially if it was part 3 jotaro... fucker could have kept bettering his The World ability indefinitely)
You also have to take into consideration what was going on after the battle with Dio. After Jean Pierre, Jotaro, and Joseph dispersed, there were a few years where they weren't doing anything. While I know Jotaro is not old by any means, all that means is that he got rusty over the years. Not fighting can leave you at a disadvantage when you're getting back into the game. Look at it this way, Younger Joseph was pretty strong as well, especially when using his Hamon, but I doubt the Joseph in Part 3 could be Kars from part 2 if he showed back up. It was complete luck that Kars was defeated by Joseph . Once again, Jotaro is still super powerful, but the stands in Part 4 and in the parts to come are, in my opinion, stronger than Star Platinum will ever be. When he fought the rats he let himself get hit so Josuke could kill the rats. I doubt in 2 seconds that Jotaro could close the cap between himself and the rats, even a rat caught him off guard, so I wouldn't say that he was nerfed on purpose, but literally because it's been some years since he fought and he's still damn good at using Star Platinum.
He had protagonist powers in Part 3. He didn't in Part 4 and beyond. Same with Joseph. Otherwise he'd trick everyone to death.
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