
Rosie @rosie
Rosie @rosie
im board anyone want to talk?

aries64 @aries64
commented on
aries64 @aries64
I'll talk with you. What do you wanna talk about?

Rosie @rosie
commented on
Rosie @rosie
Hmmm idk well what current manga are you reading? :)

jinjae_akechi @jinjae_akechi
commented on
jinjae_akechi @jinjae_akechi
Talk about anything at all?

aries64 @aries64
commented on
aries64 @aries64
Not really into reading manga, not much of a reader. Getting back into watching Bleach though. Are you planning to go to Anime Expo this year? I'm planning on cosplaying as either pikachu or The Doctor. So do you watch Doctor Who?

Rosie @rosie
commented on
Rosie @rosie
im more of a reader im trying to go back where i left off on one piece but i forgot where i left off so right now im looking through episode its a pain lol i stop watching bleach it just was getting boring and not sure i never went to one i always wanted to go to one maybe this year who knows and no what doctor who about? i dont watch that much anime i prefer reading lol

aries64 @aries64
commented on
aries64 @aries64
Yeah Bleach did got boring I stop watching when they had the vampires. Doctor Who is a science fiction t.v series about an alien time traveler. I'm usually more of a science fiction geek then an anime geek, really fascinated by aliens, time travel, space. So your more of a reader that's cool. So is there other things your interested in?

Rosie @rosie
commented on
Rosie @rosie
i like science fiction aswell but if it has a good storyline ill watch it interested in like what?

aries64 @aries64
commented on
aries64 @aries64
well interest like, do you like video games, or type of music you enjoy or future career?
I thought about doing voice acting but don't have much talent. I was in couple of bands but didn't work out and not sure can make any money on that.

Rosie @rosie
commented on
Rosie @rosie
i play video games i had a DSi but my older sister stole it and put it in amazon im waiting so i can buy the 3DS it sucks:( i like all types of music but right now i like maria and the diamonds, creed, cold play, muse and of course my favorite Britney Spears been a fan when she first came out lol
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