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Yoko's rejects club.

Jul 27, 16 at 10:31pm
It is what it is. You can't put a gun to someone's head and make them like you. Sure it sucks, but you dust yourself off and move on. Continuing to feel self pity or persue someone who is not interested in you is waisting both yours and their time. Sometimes it happens enough and you just become numb to it and take it in stride.
I'm glad for the most part people have rejected me politely or just honestly. This one person didn't even say anything back to me and they consistently come here ignoring me. My first message went something like: "Hey blah blah blah, hope to hear from you soon" They login like every other day so I just waited. 6 days later: Well when you get a chance I hope you can respond soon, until then, outta respect I'll not talk to anyone else until you respond. 2 weeks later(they still consistently logo now and then): No response..Guess thats the answer in itself. So YES i'm a proud member of the club, but I just wanted to vent that nobody should drag things out so unreasonably. If your gonna reject, then stamp dat shizz on paper!
@Daggera Well being a skinny twig would make me seem shrimpy. But that doesn't stop me from saying what I want to say. XD
Jul 28, 16 at 1:08am
You can say what you want but doesn't mean I have to care. XD
I don't expect you to care, that ruins the fun. Only care for what Freedom says. I may not be tough physically, but emotionally I am. That's why rejections don't really bother me.
Jul 28, 16 at 1:56am
I've never truly had to deal with rejection since I don't go after people very often. At worst there's just the occasional disappointment when someone turns out to not be what I'm looking for and I loose interest.
@neet-one I know that feeling all too well.
@Neet one that makes two of us.
Jul 29, 16 at 4:49pm
I just hope people don't lose interest in this thread
Jul 30, 16 at 4:03am
Here's one of my experiences. It's oddly my most favorite memory because of how much this person meant to me. It's a bit long. A bit bittersweet perhaps? In high school, there was a girl I liked. She was a year younger than me. I first met her back in 2010. She was a Freshman that time and I was a Sophomore. She was a friendly and nice person. Way too nice. Why I liked her was because of her personality. She was athletic a bit. I liked how she looked in shorts. I wanted more of it. After awhile, the feelings grew as I get to know her. I was in some of her classes because I failed those classes before (>.>). We got somewhat close though. During my time in high school, I have liked her so much but never decided to tell her my feelings. There was a few time I bought her something which was sweets that the school was offering during an event each year. I don't remember what it is called but it's where you buy the sweets and it can be for you or a gift to someone. You can write your name on it or remain anonymous. Obviously, I didn't write my name. I left it blank. I wrote her name and the class numbers she's in. I know her class numbers because we told each other our class numbers during lunch and I did had one or two classes with her. The first time she received it was when I was in the same class as her. One of the ASB students came by, looked at the the card and called her name. She raised her hand a bit then received it from them. She was a bit lost (xD) and her friends were poking fun at her a bit. I was sitting in the front due to poor vision. We were in History class that time. She threw away the card since it's just her name on it but ate the sweets after school as she waits to be picked up. The second time, she received it during P.E. but we were in the gym since it was raining. She was wondering who was buying the sweets for her and thought her friends were doing it to mess with her but they said it wasn't them. I was sitting down on a somewhat high part of the bleachers playing PSP. I'm a lazy ass and was barely passing P.E. (xD). I only participate in P.E. only if Tennis is involved but it was just Basketball that time. The third time (Before buying the sweets), I was a Senior. I'm going to graduate. I still haven't told her how I felt because the fear of rejection. We did got closer. We did had some fun memories. The ASB advisor recognized who I was by then. "Wow, three years and she still doesn't know? Why don't you put your name down this time?". It was tempting but I was afraid to. I tried to get myself to write my name but nope. I was too nervous. I left it blank again. She was in Math and I was in Chemistry that time (Our schedule changed). I don't know how her reaction was but I'm sure she was probably a bit creeped out by now. She still accepted the sweets and ate it after school. She was looking around as the students were leaving campus. Maybe trying to guess who it could be or something? On the last day of school, I was going to just straight up tell her. Seniors get out of school way early and I waited outside of campus. She was a Junior. It was minimum day though since it is the last day of school. I was nervous as fuck. I ended up going home though and got ready for the graduation. Graduated in 2012. My feelings were still there. In 2013, I got enrolled into college. I still had contact with her and chat online a bit often almost daily. We haven't seen each other in person since I graduated. Months later in 2013, I confessed but as we chatted online. I got rejected. She didn't feel the same and wanted to focus on her education. She now knows I was the one giving her sweets. I was a bit torn from the rejection but I respected her wish. I still liked her awhile longer during college then the feelings started to fade. I liked her for 5 or 6 years even after rejection. There's still bits of me that still likes her a bit. We barely chat now. Haven't chat in months actually. Do I regret? No. Did I wasted my time? To me, no. My feelings were truly sincere. If I had feelings for someone, that's how true my feelings are. I'm a pretty emotional person. o////o My friend later found out and I choked on Mountain Dew a bit. I love code red. He was so surprised and had to think back. xD He never expected me to have that kind of feelings. Him and her were friends. Same age. He showed me their graduation photo. Since then, I have gotten into relationships, girls/guys, but things haven't worked out with them. My kindness and such were taken for granted most of the time.
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