Stupid ideas that need to happen!

Rainy @rain_anna_hall
Stupid ideas that need to happen!
Rainy @rain_anna_hall
Ok so this thread is for stupid ideas
Feel free to add to each other's ideas or add your own... Or pretend you never read this-
Ok so you know how things get crazy on Black Friday and people end up fighting over some of the stupidest stuff... So imagine Black Friday at... A Sex Shop! :D We get a bunch of us together and make a video about it- sword fighting with dildos and anal beads, slicking the floor with lube to make others' slip, cuffing the security guards with fuzzy handcuffs while all of this is going down.
Some dude making a mad dash out of the place with a blow-up doll in tow!
Someone needs to make this happen...
So what are some of your ideas!

Caleb of the cancer @caleb_williams
commented on
Stupid ideas that need to happen!
Caleb of the cancer @caleb_williams
I can makes more stupid ideas. Ok what if we as soon as a person dies the person that died knew everything about the universes and that the so called after life is just not hell nor heaven but your contusness floating in an endless void and that all religions are just story's for entertainment that people have taken to far. With the fact that people saw this and though hmm let make a profit about those crazy people. But then we learn that there is a god but he just does not give two shits about us and states as followed "we are just a bad game of sims and that non of you are going to heaven and that we are all going to hell which is the endless void and that we are all dead to him and no amount of prair will help us." Just imagine that XD that would be the biggest let down ever

Rainy @rain_anna_hall
commented on
Stupid ideas that need to happen!
Rainy @rain_anna_hall
This just went from dildo jousting to something way darker... Wow this thread grew up so fast -U-

Caleb of the cancer @caleb_williams
commented on
Stupid ideas that need to happen!
Caleb of the cancer @caleb_williams
Well I love turning something light hearted to something darker than pitch black. I'm like dark God armin from a slap on Titan

Akuma92 @akuma92
commented on
Stupid ideas that need to happen!
Akuma92 @akuma92

Caleb of the cancer @caleb_williams
commented on
Stupid ideas that need to happen!
Caleb of the cancer @caleb_williams I am dark lord armin

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
Stupid ideas that need to happen!
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Pizza delivery restaurants need to be built on towers high above the cities they're located in so that they can drop down our pizzas by drones which will get us our pies that much faster.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Stupid ideas that need to happen!
yaasshat @yaasshat
Soon enough.
I'd rather have the laziness of the jetsons, eat pills, only push a button for a few hours a day for a job, while being able to afford a house in the clouds, flying cars and a whiny robot maid.

Rainy @rain_anna_hall
commented on
Stupid ideas that need to happen!
Rainy @rain_anna_hall
What if we had a device that could hook up our dreams together so we could be social while also getting some sleep... Like a dream chatroom- but i guess that could get pretty creepy huh...

mangaman1337 @mangaman1337
commented on
Stupid ideas that need to happen!
mangaman1337 @mangaman1337
I am not sure if this is a stupid idea but I say we start splicing women and cats together and start a company dedicated to creating real catgirls
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