Anime scenes that made you cry

otaku\(^~^)/ @otaku2001
Anime scenes that made you cry
otaku\(^~^)/ @otaku2001
I can't even watch this without tearing up. So I was curious as to what other scenes made people cry.

Cero @cero
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Anime scenes that made you cry
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

♡ A-Mei-Zing ♡ @assam
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Anime scenes that made you cry
♡ A-Mei-Zing ♡ @assam
Death Parade episode 11 & 12 [Episode 11 for the skating scene with the music]
I cried buckets. :(

Light Yagami @eragongaming
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Anime scenes that made you cry
Light Yagami @eragongaming
plastic memories last episode.

Erica-chan @daadaadaa
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Anime scenes that made you cry
Erica-chan @daadaadaa
Clannad AS fields scene

BiscuitSlash @biscuitslash
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Anime scenes that made you cry
BiscuitSlash @biscuitslash
I'm very good at not crying, so there hasn't yet been any anime to make me cry. However, there have been certain moments where I almost shed a tear:
-No Game No Life, end of episode 8 and most of episode 9.
-Squid Girl, season 1 final episode and the end of that episode with the mini squid.
-Polar Bear Cafe, episode 44.
-Death Note, final episode.
That's all I can remember right now. The No Game No Life ones really threw me at my limit.

dandaman @dantheman06
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Anime scenes that made you cry
dandaman @dantheman06
I'm a simple guy, let the floodgates flow too easy. Basically any Fairy Tail moment with the song playing slow: Example - Laxus + FairyTail Moment when everyone is showing the L "Loser" sign to him :/ Or i was right dere with Sting when he was "awed by their radiance."
I know games dont count but don't lie, I KNOW yall cried with the Cloud+Zack Fair ending in Final Fantasy CC. Damn you Zack ya smexy beast ;.; You called the friggin onion ninjas up in hurr

otaku\(^~^)/ @otaku2001
commented on
Anime scenes that made you cry
otaku\(^~^)/ @otaku2001
Just finished assassination classroom... My heart died when koro sensei... Nope can't talk about... To sad.
•SPOILER ALERT ON THE LINK (spoils ending)

Monch21 @monch21
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Anime scenes that made you cry
Monch21 @monch21
I don´t cry I just get something in my eye and one or two tear drops fall. The most tears that fell were I think, SAO last episode of the latest season. :/

bladeofcesare @bladeofcesare
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Anime scenes that made you cry
bladeofcesare @bladeofcesare
End of Death Note got me a bit choked up, end of Cowboy Bebop as well.
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