Drawing pads

Impalpable Panda @pandah
Drawing pads
Impalpable Panda @pandah
I would like to draw on my laptop but i don't know where to start. I don't know what pads and programs are good. Any advice?

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
Drawing pads
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Really depends on your budget. Gimp is popular free drawing program. A small Wacom pen tablet sets you back 100$ but the knockoff Huion only goes for 25$.

Impalpable Panda @pandah
commented on
Drawing pads
Impalpable Panda @pandah
My budget can be from $200-400 just depends on how long i save

C.Raynor @raynor
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Drawing pads
C.Raynor @raynor
Krita is a new and fantastic drawing program with the ability to create animations. It is a lot like Photoshop but it is free. It is also very friendly with drawing tablets.
There is a very lovely drawing program called Mischief. It is $15 USD. I recommend this one because it has an infinite canvas. Which is FUN. :)
Manga Studio is also great. The cheap version is $50 USD and it comes with some handy features. Like 3D models.
Wacom tablets are pretty much the standard. However Ugee and Huion also make good cheaper tablets. I think browsing Amazon would be a good option. If you are unsure just buy a small Wacom tablet to start with. The small size makes it easier to port around with a laptop too.
This one is $72 right now. :)
You could also buy a scanner if you're really into it. Most of the time people do their drawings by hand then scan them. It is also nice for keeping digital copies of your work just in case.

Impalpable Panda @pandah
commented on
Drawing pads
Impalpable Panda @pandah
thank you very much, i can't wait to start drawing for my webcomics ╰(✧∇✧)╯ although i have to start saving now ◦°˚\(´°౪°`)/˚°◦

C.Raynor @raynor
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Drawing pads
C.Raynor @raynor
No problem. I'm always happy to help. :D
Don't worry. All good things take some time. You'll appreciate what you got when you're able to afford it.

Shytaku @shy_otaku
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Drawing pads
Shytaku @shy_otaku
Hey Panda, I personally use Huion tablets since they're cheaper and drivers are a lot better than they were two years ago, but since your suggested budget is $200-400, you should definitely take the safe bet and go with a Wacom like C.Raynor suggested. I get the feeling you're still testing the waters, so the tablet C.Raynor suggested is a great starting point. I'd like to make a slight alteration:
You mentioned an interest in creating webcomics, and although Krita is a fantastic (and free) software, I think you'll want to purchase this version of the same Wacom ( https://amzn.com/B010LHRVBM be sure to click "Comic") which includes the base version of Manga/Clip Studio for around $30 more. Clip Studio has presets/templates for paneling, easy word balloon creator, and a bunch of manga tones. The Wacom Comic version also includes the base version of Anime Studio if you wanna play around with that (even tho it's called Anime Studio... you can't really make traditional anime with it! Just a heads up!)
In short, for $30 more you'll get Clip Studio and Anime Studio! I guess the only downside is it doesn't come in that slick white like the one previously mentioned, but white tends to get dirtier so yeah.
As a side note, at this stage you'll want to test which applications you're more comfortable with. Krita, Clip Studio, and Sai all have their differences despite having the same function as drawing applications. I can absolutely guarantee that these programs are just as good if not better than Photoshop in terms of pricing, ease of use, and feature set. Anyways have fun! Let us know what you end up with!

Shytaku @shy_otaku
commented on
Drawing pads
Shytaku @shy_otaku
EDIT: Whoa apparently the Comic version also has multi-touch controls?? Not even sure if that's necessary but I guess that's a nice extra feature!
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