Senpai wanted!
ReizoKazunari @adamstone
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Senpai wanted!
ReizoKazunari @adamstone
Senpwai pwease notice me uguu~ ;D
115 @siruboo
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Senpai wanted!
115 @siruboo
senpai is too blind
needs glasses
BurningHalo @burninghalo
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Senpai wanted!
BurningHalo @burninghalo
No :D
VeZeal @axlex
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Senpai wanted!
VeZeal @axlex
siru might be onto something though. I'm sure senpai with glasses would be great for both parties involved.
≧ ManamI ≦ @mamani_nnnn
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Senpai wanted!
≧ ManamI ≦ @mamani_nnnn
I want my own senpai too. ;w;
An Underling of the Void @jasonthedude
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Senpai wanted!
An Underling of the Void @jasonthedude
Senpais are overrated
Orange @calmriver
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Senpai wanted!
Orange @calmriver
Lol Senpai is needed please notice me!!!! I love it!
AdamArclight031 @adamarclight031
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Senpai wanted!
AdamArclight031 @adamarclight031
Don't worry @everyone I found the solution to all your senpai problem's.
Sakamoto can be everyone's senpai.
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