Guilty Pleasure

Sunbae @alanzd
Guilty Pleasure
Sunbae @alanzd
Steam Sale: Purchase 4 Hyperdimension Neptunia games
Day after Steam Sale: Purchase the Megadimension Neptunia game.
No Regrets :')
Have any of you ever impulsed purchased a game?

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
Guilty Pleasure
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I still have the second Senran Kagura game on the 3DS in its box since it came out and I think I have a Shantae game downloaded that I haven't tried either.

shawnji @shawnji
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Guilty Pleasure
shawnji @shawnji
One game that I acknowledge is largely mediocre, but I enjoy anyway, is Thousand Arms on PS1. I used to have a copy of it, but I sold it off back when I was still a teenager. It's basically a standard turned-based RPG, but it has a heavy dating-sim element that plays a role in weapon forging. I'd honestly like to play it again if I could track down a copy.

Brycslick_Productions @brycslick_productions
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Guilty Pleasure
Brycslick_Productions @brycslick_productions

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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Guilty Pleasure
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
I love collecting weird and obscure games - even if they're bad. Like one game called Dusk 12 on Steam and it's FUCKING awful but it's in that "so bad that it's good" area where I enjoyed the hell out of it from start to finish with a big grin on my fun. I genuinely had a lot of fun with it :D The same goes for Deadly Premonition; the exact same tale as Dusk 12 and it quickly became one of my favourite games of all time. They're worth a play imo :D

insane_warrior0 @insane_warrior0
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Guilty Pleasure
insane_warrior0 @insane_warrior0
Much like yourself, Neptunia is a big guilty of mine as well.

rustymech @rustymech
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Guilty Pleasure
rustymech @rustymech
So like I play Atelier on my Vita -Sterk is my hero

Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
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Guilty Pleasure
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
Nekopara, just for the frolicking naked cat girls....damn you Steam for censoring it!

leeks @leeks
commented on
Guilty Pleasure
leeks @leeks
I think I impulse purchased most of my games. It's like, oh this seems kinda interesting and is on sale, might as well buy it. And then I play maybe half of it then never touch it again orz

Sherflow @sherflow
commented on
Guilty Pleasure
Sherflow @sherflow
I got gifted Nekopara for my birthday, I was surprised by what I found.
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