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I have a BIG Announcement

I'm really glad for you!
TOO CUTE TOO AMAZING AHAHAHAHA XD XD im no longer jealous im inspired thanks thanksss so much Arc and Veru but dont leave MO okay okayyyyy XD XD
Jul 06, 16 at 8:29am
We will still be on MO ^_^
Good luck arc hope it goes well
you should have a v-log diary of your relationship when you start living together and update us daily ahahaha !! XD XD sorry i sound like a voyeur nowww
Jul 06, 16 at 8:35am
^I would, but I would get banned for explicit content ^_~
Congratulatons you two xD
Still want to learn about those ears arc one day I'll learn your secret even if I have to contact my ace in the hole
I'm so happy for you two! You are a really great couple, I wish only the best for you. Like Arc says-it is possible to find love on here if you persevere. I had to wait a while but I finally met the wonderful caycay205.
Arc, i feel you man. I met somebody amazing on here myself. Her name is Kemo. About a year and a half now.. There's been some issues due to distance, but she's amazing. I truly do love her, and Im hopping one day that we can get to the point where you guys are. Congratulations. I hope all the best for you both. :)
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