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Your Favorite MO Users

Jun 10, 16 at 1:51am
Its okay though. I have a short list myself. Queen (partner in crime) Daggera (fun to flirt with) Sherlow (he tolerates me most of the time) Arc (loves cats) Veru (loves the cat lover) Max (lover of all things heavy)
My answer might surprise people, but: The Neet One & Yasshat. Two users who shouldn't be in the same sentence, let alone the same forum. XD Seriously though, while I don't agree with Neet one all the time, I think his viewpoints are kinda like mine, only skewed back to when I was 14. And Yasshat tends to radiate many of the lessons I myself wish I could have learned earlier in life. Both seem to have some tough opinions to swallow for the more emotionally reactive. But both still intrigue me. And of course, Daggera was one of my first friends upon coming to this site. Artimas is right, she's fun to flirt with. There are all the other household names of course, but I tend to lurk around their posts more than I interact with them.
Jun 10, 16 at 7:14am
Wise decision to put me in your list first, Halo. ;] I will still hug you. But not to death! With all the effort you guys put into this thread I now feel like I really do have to make a list! I'll get to that. Brace yourselves. Love is coming.
thats great max lol i dont know what i want to do but i feel like i want to write more on this thread xD
I don't know much people here, but if I've to do a list is might be: Queenmeme > best MO gurl and my Nohrian scum. Panda > stockings companion. Rebellion > welp, he's still my bro. Adam > my personal butler. !щ(゜▽゜щ) Vez > b'coz Ludger. (*^^*) jk thank for worried about me. (^^)d Sanfi > he's know why. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Telly/Raziel, Lion, Kid, and Maya are my companions too. (*´ω`*) @Drum What's the meaning of jerk? I'm pretty well-mannered here~
Jun 10, 16 at 10:30am
I will write this post based on my friendlist. Some people I really like have deactivated their accounts, or gone inactive. These guys won't be in here, because I usually remove them from my friendlist. May the love commence. ♡°☆(ಠೆಒಠಿ)☆°♡ http://new2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/And+then+the+baby+grew+up+_ab8c483f9006a2e36c200f733c3568e8.gif ** https://maiotaku.com/p/thesailingteacup The first place is of course reserved for my waifu, Teacup. You are... *does a little happy dance* ...a wonderful person. You have this kind of effect on me that I usually only get around cute little fluffy animals. The desire to just grab them and snuggle them until they become part of me. Also your way of thinking and pretty much everything else about you is totemo subarashii! I just hope I am a good husbando in your eyes, aswell. (︶ω︶) ** https://maiotaku.com/p/mickkito Then there is Uninterested aka Un. You are a great guy. We share our military background, so there is always something to talk about and have fun with. Apart from that, you simply are a loyal and good friend. I feel like I can rely on you. And you can always rely on me, too. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/gudmoore Gudmoore aka Gudie. Gudie you could be my mental twin. We have the exact same way of looking at so many things, it's almost scary. While sometimes there are differences of opinion, we still get each other. It's some kind of bond we have, I guess. I like it. Since we also share quite a few interests, we almost always have something to talk about. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/mariahaise Maria aka die Königin. I taught her some German in exchange for some Spanish. That's where that nickname originates. :D Even if you try to hide it, I know you have a biiig heart. I like you for just the way you are. You, too, are one of my closest friends here on MO, I would say. ** Those were my bestestest MO friends. Now come the people I really like, but I might not have that much to do with. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/yunoxyukki Panda! Yes, you! Even though you left me out of your list! I still love you and have nothing but cuddles to offer to you! But stay away from my waifu. And change your name back. You will always be Panda, Panda. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/mango_mochi Mango, Mango, Mango Mango Mango, Maaangoooo~ You and Kid are such a nice couple. I like stalking all these little cute posts you write for each other. It's just sweet. And from what I know about you, you are a fun and nice person. Always up for a naked video dare. ( ͜。 ͡ʖ ͜。) ** https://maiotaku.com/p/animekid While we are at it, Kid! Kid you are a great guy. Even though we don't have much to do with each other, I think I have passively gotten to know you pretty well, and apart from your creepy show, you are fun to have around! Hahaha. No seriously, stop the creepy stuff. It's creepy. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/verucassault Veru~ Veru you are like the mother of dragons for me. Except you are the mother of MO. It's like you float above us all with your wisdom and snappy cleverness, and sometimes drop some for us people to devour and admire. Also you and Arc. Nuff said. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/arc Arc. The feline overlord of MO. Nothing escapes your sharpened senses. Also - Please let me pet you! ** https://maiotaku.com/p/daggera Daggera! Daggera I don't even know what to say to you. You always have fluffy things for me! You are always super nice! And I feel like I can talk to you about pretty much anything. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/wertingman Wert - Wert you are cool. Nothing much more to say. I am cool, you are cool, we both are cool. Together. #nohomo Hahaha but seriously, you have some opinions that I can nothing but praise you for. I think we'd get along well if we met in person. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/rainx RainX. RainX, you once had a different name. I didn't talk to you in a while, though, so I forgot your old name. Anyways, I wrote you a poem a while ago. That's pretty much still my opinion about you. Your love for games makes you and interesting guy to talk to. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/queenmemester Qeen, you are the queen. You know that queen. The queeny queen that smells - queeny. If I ever get to Canada I will find you... And I will.. Hug you. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/horrormanga21 Fran. Fran you are a genuinely nice guy. I like that about you. Never have I felt the slightest bit of negativity coming from you. How's your workout going? ;) ** https://maiotaku.com/p/fancycosplayer6 Fancy. Even if I don't have much to do with you, personally, noone loved by Fran so much can be a bad person. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/aerone Artimas! That nice physique of yours, paired with so much love for bacon. Just noice. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/sanfi Sanfi, you sexy man, you. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/havepun HavePun, you are always good for an interesting conversation! And your posts on the forum make me laugh every now and then. Thank you for that. Seriously. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/axlex VeZeal - you are kind of the social worker here on MO. You make life for everyone else easier, while always having a big fat smile on your face. You deserve a thousand hugs. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/sherflow Sherflow. While you are kind of distant, you also seem very nice. I think after a good beer or two we can get rid of that distance. Hahaha~ ** https://maiotaku.com/p/burninghalo BurningHalo! Halo you can't imagine how glad I am to have you around on MO. You are a Jack of all trades. I'm always up for a nice discussion on pretty much any topic with you. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/utaghoul1991 Blood&Icecream. Blood you might just end up as a stain on the floor. As least as long as you keep fighting for the alpha role with Maria. She will win eventually, you know. No way around that. Submit and be hers. And while we are at it - submit to my hugs, too. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/azumakazuma Azumakazuma. You, sir, always have my back. Even though I don't really know you well. So let me just thank you for being such a loyal friend here on MO. We should chat some time. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/siruboo Siru........ Siru. <3 ** https://maiotaku.com/p/sunflower Sunflower, even though I had to name thee Doomflower after a certain... Accident, I still like you very much. After all we share our love for LoL! One day, when you step upon a shroom, it might just be mine. And I will not be far, waiting in a bush, waiting to hug you. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/vampire_neko Neko, you are an old pervert. That's pretty much all I have to say about you. But if you were missing, MO would be missing a piece, aswell. So continue to honor us all with your pervyness. Deep down I know you just crave some love. Possibly a hug. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/blueroselover Azureroselover. You haven't been around lately. Sad that. I miss you. Having a lengthy discussion with you or playing lots of T&D was always fun. ** https://maiotaku.com/p/miarin Miarin! Mia-senpai! Please come back! I miss you!~ ** There are some more vague acquaintances, but I don't think they deserve a place in this list of my most liked people on MO. To everyone not in my list: Please know that in my heart, there is always space for you. So if you see me in the forums, come talk, have fun, whatever. I am guessing this will be quite a big post, so thanks for handling all the love. I think I need a nap now. https://66.media.tumblr.com/724e39f9cd5e8a1998ea17fce3613bc3/tumblr_n7dz5dLUeN1tyb838o1_250.gif
Jun 10, 16 at 10:39am
Damn Max... TT~TT thanks man
Jun 10, 16 at 5:17pm
Q^Q Maximus has spoken. I also do love Rammstein as well.
Jun 13, 16 at 12:31pm
Luna is a pretty cool guy. Everyone else sucks and is gay.
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