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Relationship Struggles.

So, I'm back after a few months, planning on actually sticking around this time, but since I was last here I've been dating someone. I love her so much, and I know she loves me back, she always says she does, but at the moment she's worried that maybe she not ready for a relationship ship and has asked me to take a break. So we have, and we both know that neither of us are going to go after anyone else. But hopefully she does decide that she's ready and wants to carry on. Basically, we have tried to kiss several times but she's always been uncomfortable even though she always said she wanted to kiss me, but I'm fine if she isn't ready, bit she thought that this might be because she isn't ready for a relationship. She's fifteen and I'm coming up to fifteen in 9 days. Which is cool and all, but it doesn't change the fact that this is all really painful, but somehow I'm managing to stay happy because this is what she wants so I'll support her. Can anyone offer any support? Or maybe tell me what to do during this time or if I need someone to talk about this to? Anyway, I thought that this would be a good opportunity to ask what the down points of people's relationships have been. Maybe we could all learn some stuff from each other and improve our lives with a bit of advice. Also, what are people's worst traits of their's? Mine is I'm a bit clingyish and I always seem to worry too much
First off, I applaud you for respecting her wishes and taking a break. Also, for taking the relationship at her pace! That takes so much strength and its rarely recognized. So good job on that! ^^ Given your guys' age, there's not much advice that can be dispensed here. Juvenile love is so much more tumultuous than matured love. Though I will say this: even though you seem to be pretty patient and understanding, try to recognize when to put your foot down and address your needs and wants too. If you ever find yourself kind of...sacrificing yourself to make her happy, and its just an endless process with no fulfillment on your end, you need to stop and talk to her about it. Depending on her course of action from there, you either work at it or break up. If she's willing to talk about it in a calm fashion, then great! If she gets defensive and upset, that's a red flag. That whole deal with communication being cited as very important...its very true! If you ever need to talk to someone more about this, a bunch of us are available on LINE. My ID is mioakiyama7 on there. If you'd like to talk to me, ask for my Skype/Steam. I'm not on there very often, but summer is coming up! Borrowing from my own experience, I've dated a girl that was very clingy and had an anxiety issue. She used to worry about the smallest things in our relationship. The messed up thing about this is that it would have a self-fulfilling prophecy effect. The small thing that really didn't make much of a difference would become magnified with her constant worry, eventually leading to an argument. Thus the non-issue became an issue. I had patience with her for a VERY long time. But hey, even the strongest, thickest veneer eventually wears away. Eventually we broke up, luckily under a mutual realization that it wouldn't work out. So, from this, I'd suggest the following. If ever you find yourself freaking out about something, take a few minutes to write it down and examine whether or not it is a big deal. What long-term effects would this thing bring? If I address it with her, what's the ideal outcome? Whats the non-ideal outcome? Should help clarify if you're just being a worry wart or not~
Thank you, David. It's a big help. Now I have to get line again. I used to have it but that was ages ago and I've forgotten my details. Mr and her have known each other for almost a year now and have been dating almost 2 months. I'm somehow able to keep a smile on my face by knowing that this is probably best. If I don't give her space now, sheat need it later at a more important time. Also, we have recently finished our exams so it may just be and after effect of that
The first time I fell in love I was 14 turning 15, he was my high school sweetheart... the best advice I can give you is to take it slow, follow her lead and know that you will not be the same person you are now in a few years. You both will change so much as time goes on because you will find yourself as a person, you'll learn more about yourself and sometimes that helps the relationship, sometimes it makes you realize that they aren't the person for you. Know that people change and it's not something to fear, or something to shy away from. Life happens, and peoples feelings change as well. stress changes people too, give her some time to figure things out. you are both so young and hormones are a bitch LOL.
Thank you so much guys
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