Hey, Im New

mrdere74 @mrdere74
Hey, Im New
mrdere74 @mrdere74
Hello, new kid here. Came across the site and i wanted to check it out and see if I like it and of course meet new people.

Marche100 @marche100
commented on
Hey, Im New
Marche100 @marche100
Hey, welcome to MO! You should have no problem meeting new people here. :)

[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
commented on
Hey, Im New
[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
*breaks out the hazing ritual tome* muahahahah! Welcome

TrueMandalorian @truemandalorian
commented on
Hey, Im New
TrueMandalorian @truemandalorian
Ignore him munch munch he's a commie munch munch

Ceilno @forgottendream
commented on
Hey, Im New
Ceilno @forgottendream
welcome to the site^^ i hope youll enjoy being on here

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
Hey, Im New
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Welcome to MO!

♡ A-Mei-Zing ♡ @assam
commented on
Hey, Im New
♡ A-Mei-Zing ♡ @assam
Welcome :3

mrdere74 @mrdere74
commented on
Hey, Im New
mrdere74 @mrdere74
Thanks for the warm welcomes

koi☯ @rappinggiraffe
commented on
Hey, Im New
koi☯ @rappinggiraffe
Welcome to MO!!
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