Peach Girl
kittie_saya @kittie_saya
Peach Girl
kittie_saya @kittie_saya
So I started watching this today, has anyone else watched this? If you have, doesn't Sae make you just want to smack her? lol
Rezikai @rezikai
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Peach Girl
Rezikai @rezikai
lol I watched this one some time ago... if you can stand the english dub version of it the opening song is done by the main heroine (forgot her name) and holy shat is it bad... so bad it's literally comical.
Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
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Peach Girl
Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
I watched it last year, I think, and it was not one I found particularly enjoyable. I ended up finishing it to see what kind of shit they would pull to wrap it up.
ロイ @wallace614
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Peach Girl
ロイ @wallace614
Haha I started watching it but I was one of those things that you start watching and then something
Comes along and you stop watching it
EmmleMae @emmlemae
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Peach Girl
EmmleMae @emmlemae
I watched it. Finished it. Not a favorite, but I've certainly seen worse.
kittie_saya @kittie_saya
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Peach Girl
kittie_saya @kittie_saya
Yeah its def. not a fave in my book.
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