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Double Standards: Sexism and Feminism

Time for a couple double standards that men have to deal with far more than women do Nobody ever seems to give half a fuck when a man is the victim of domestic violence when there is a woman doing it - most people when seeing this happen shrug and move on or worse try to console the woman who is committing the violence. Flip that script if a man is doing that to a woman might as well put his ass on the electric chair. If you know every detail about Ray Rice but don't know a thing about Hope Solo you might be part of this problem (or if you do know if you see Ray Rice as the devil but Hope Solo as okay). When it comes to rape cases (while women don't have it all that great) men have it worse. There are far less resources for a man who is a victim of domestic violence or rape than a woman. A stay at home dad is seen as a failure or somehow less than a man When it comes to child custody cases it takes an act of God for the man to win custody over a woman. If feminism is so about equality why is it you can turn any feminist rally into the silent game by asking about this issue. Okay now for the beauty standards thing.... (just to touch on it) Yeah I'll concede that living up to a standard "look" is more prevalent for a woman than a man (but it does exist for him too) however..... is that standard more man or woman created. I mean I think it is highly debatable whether a woman is body shamed more often by a man or a woman. It is highly debatable that women put more pressure on other women than a man ever does. Lets not pretend this is JUST a man versus woman crime. This leads me to the OP bringing up dress codes because women should be able to wear whatever she wants for free expression of her body and things like that. Dress codes are typically in place (in educational facilities) for reasons other than "horny boys will be horny boys" and to claim it is just that is purely ignorant. Dress codes are in place in educational facilities for primarily two reasons... 1. To prepare people for dress codes in work places which are usually far more stringent than any high school or college dress code 2. To protect teachers/professors from sexual harassment allegations - it is very difficult to disprove and educational facilities tend not to wait for due process before action is taken against the alleged because it is a very serious issue and should not be taken lightly. <3> This would probably be where "lets protect those horny guys from themselves" fits in .. but the first two reasons are the bigger and more prevalent reasons than this one... sorry feminists and femi-nazis try again Now for the mythical bullshit wage gap feminists and liberals love to throw around but it is really bullshit nonsense and the data concocting that narrative has so many holes and omissions and takes a very narrow-sighted look. It would probably be more accurate to say that it is very vague data being given a specific and manipulated meaning. The study that every wage gap perpetuating moron trumpets so hard only really looks at median and averaged incomes and we're not even talking within the same job (so we're talking overall). The studies and facts trumpeted merely state that in the given time period women made (the number is a little different but between 70-79% so I'll middle ground it) 75% of what men made. This means that it isn't isolated to a man and a woman with the same qualifications (education level, work experience, etc) going for the same job in the same local area (ideally at the same place). While there is some data to suggest that even when these are present there is still a gap but very minimal (5-10% tops ... which I know isn't equal and would still be discriminatory) and it is much more difficult to pinpoint this difference down to just being a women versus a man. Before I post some links dispelling this myth just think about it .... you think that those cost cutting CEO's and the like wouldn't be hiring women in droves and cutting non-essential personnel men out of the workforce if they could save that 20 something % ?! They'd do it in a damn heart beat ... so if there really was this pervasive and undeniable wage gap and that you can straight up pay every woman 75 cents on the dollar .... there would be close to a 0% unemployment rate with women and men would be gathering in masses at unemployment centers. This means that the disparity in income between men and women is impacted infinitely more by .... Hours worked Profession Time taken off NONE OF THESE ARE IN ANY WAY DISCRIMINATING So let me leave these here to open some eyes ... http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2015/11/27/if-there-really-is-a-gender-pay-gap-then-where-the-heck-is-it/#6464fd2e7c24 http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/harvard-prof.-takes-down-gender-wage-gap-myth/article/2580405 http://www.forbes.com/sites/karinagness/2016/04/12/dont-buy-into-the-gender-pay-gap-myth/#1b3e91354766 <<part two I'm done>>
@Blood actually, women now have to register for selective service. "Feminists" were outraged that they were being treated equally when it's a vice. In my opinion, the problem with feminism is two things. One. Fake feminists. Two: Underrepresentation in Congress/HoR/etc. I'm talking about social issues that can be measured. Some women (and for some reason, "feminists" take it as all women) being objectified is an issue to them. Turns out, it's not. It does not in anyway way, shape, or form, hinder women to do what they want. The argument that "feminists" make is that "well I want to be a model but 4xl models aren't needed and are deemed unqualified!" Well, are you willing to let a surgeon that got straight D's in university perform heart surgery on you? But men do think that feminism combats them (which to a degree, it does). But it's not fair that half the world is being treated unfairly simply because they were women. For some reason, people only think of the extremes. You're either a hardcore feminist (feminazi) or you're a "mysoginist"
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@Mango he actually makes a pretty valid point. He's not anti abortion or pro life or whatever. He's saying that men should have at least some say in it
Of all of that ... you got that out of it?! Seriously ? Tell me more about how men are the close minded ones. I never said a man should be able to force a woman through a pregnancy .... I mean if I did please point it out to me .... I only said that his input should be valued and the decision should be run by him You're not just being frustrated you're being blatantly closed minded and bitchy.... and really where did I even remotely suggest any of what you're getting at?
@Sunbae: I give Citizenship Classes for a refugee resettlement agency, and the N-400 we teach clients to fill out says men are still the only sex that must register for the selective service at age 18 till 26. If you have proof though, I'll be gladly proven wrong.
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@Dagger it was actually signed near the beginning of May http://www.militarytimes.com/story/military/2016/04/27/ndaa-hasc-women-draft/83624490/ @Blood too I gues 'https://www.sss.gov/Registration/Women-And-Draft The sss one hasb't been updated since December 2015
@Blood I know what you're talking about since I'm also an immigrant and swore to serve the country in times of war under the flag before I got my citizenship. But if I remember correctly, so did my older sister. But then again, that entire thing looked really unorganized.
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