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Double Standards: Sexism and Feminism

Jun 03, 16 at 1:38pm
lol veru XD
What a progressive couple
Haha Veru that's not exactly what I had in mind, but yeah my fault for not explaining in detail. I also think this policy of "women shall sit in the cave maintaining fire while man goes on the hunt" is bs. To be completely honest I think children need an equal share of attention from both parents. Whatever we say, men and women have a different way of thinking there's just no way around it. And while both might end up doing the same thing in the end, the method or their way of coming to that decision is rarely the same. Which way is a better one though, depends entirely on the situation. And of course...men are usually stubborn and proud creatures by nature, and refuse to take an advice from their other half most of the time. But there are just some things that women understand better, as well as the other way around. The words "woman's intuition" didn't come from nowhere. What I'm trying to say is that if anything is to be done the best way it could be, the both sides should participate. Because whether they might be capable of doing it on their own, it will never be half as good as when everyone gets to have a go at it. It's almost like when you cook up a dish but forget the salt, sure...it's still a food and has everything you need to survive...but you ain't gonna enjoy it as much. For example: Notice that in the rare cases in history, when a country didn't only have a king to listen to...but the queen also had an equal authority and her words had the same weight. The country ended up doing far better decisions than it otherwise would, and was a lot stronger in pretty much every possible way. Every great and respected man usually got this far only thanks to an equally great woman by his side. On their own they are strong, but together they are nearly invincible. If people realized this simple fact, who knows just how far the humanity would have gotten at this point. Also...military women ftw ^^ http://img05.deviantart.net/0611/i/2010/092/9/a/jill_and_the_rocket_launcher_by_aliasdotcom.jpg
^ can go to war on me any day ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
where did the idea of "women's intuition" come from?
http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ba/78/f9/ba78f9bee6b53f05b99e0c5f9068d365.jpg i dont think i have it, but my mom snoops and finds everything O.O
My thought is that guys have just as much intuition but not as much desire to express it. I'm just guessing it's another thing in that "hyper masculine" culture where men aren't encouraged to explore emotions but to hide them. More of a social concept. Going with my gut has helped me more than once.
"i dont even have to say it, They know" -drake Is there the same thing for guys? Like men's intuition?
Yes Panda. It's called your penis.
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