Anime based MMORPG?

Maru @k_maru
Anime based MMORPG?
Maru @k_maru
Know of one? or perhaps you're already playing something.
There are a ton of anime that have the storyline based around games but I haven't been able to find any of the sort.. at least not in English.

RichardSenpai @richardsenpai
commented on
Anime based MMORPG?
RichardSenpai @richardsenpai
i think elsword had an anime? correct me if I'm wrong lol

xxx @__removed_astaroth29
commented on
Anime based MMORPG?
xxx @__removed_astaroth29
Tree of Savior
Elsword is gonna get one along with CLOSER and this other one I can't remember.

Sunbae @alanzd
commented on
Anime based MMORPG?
Sunbae @alanzd
These are the ones I play/have played
Blade and Soul
Dragomon Hunter
Phantasy Star Online 2
Soul Worker
Closers Online
Hero Warz
Aura Kingdom
Aika Online
Age of Wushu
and I can't remember the rest. I've played mmos since they like came out.

Sunbae @alanzd
commented on
Anime based MMORPG?
Sunbae @alanzd
Oh, the only ones I still play are Blade and Soul, Tera and Age of Wushu.
The servers for Closers Online and Soulworkers are Japan/Chinese servers so it gets really really laggy. Also if you don't mind lag, go ahead and try out Revelations Online.

Sunbae @alanzd
commented on
Anime based MMORPG?
Sunbae @alanzd
Sorry for the spam, but the boob physics are also real in some of these games.
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