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Random thoughts...

Made the realm map for my D&d campaign. This is the continent of Neustria. To the south is the desert, further than that is the jungle. To the East lies Bataaria, the land of the nomadic steppe people and the "Mongolians" To the west and to the south east lies what is known as the deep blue. To the north west lies some islands. Never settled but full of monsters, hard to navigate but the furthest island contains what is known as The Pit, where demons sleep.
@daggerfella93 lmaooo it does look latina, i know a girl tht looks kinda like her
That's a cool map! Years ago I attempted to make an improvised role playing game using Final Fantasy as a theme. I created a map and even had a combat system I home brewed However as with most things I inevitably shelved the project. I still have concepts stored on my phone for various game ideas. One of my coworkers is into the idea of me one day finishing the game. However there's a better chance at finishing renovations on my house first at this point, hehe!
How I feel when someone compliments a picture of my clown ass face
Feel so sleepy today...
Aug 04, 24 at 9:06pm
I think one of the reasons why life seems to speed up the older you get is because as you get older you might stop celebrating certain holidays and traditions that you did when you were a child. People also tend to favor routine with work so that it doesn't take over their life or become too stressful. The day-in and day-out of doing the same thing over and over again makes the days run together. Before you know it you have not celebrated your foot into the grave.
Brainrot and high unemployment (+4.5%) tanked the economy
Roger Bacon! That is all.
Can someone come clean my kitchen
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