An Underling of the Void @jasonthedude
An Underling of the Void @jasonthedude
This being a dating site, I think at least some of you have come in contact with a stalker. That being a stalker who follows you in real life or constantly on the internet. When is it stalking for you and when will you pull the plug/break the contact ? What is your message/advice to stalkers offline and online ?
Rukaya @rukaya
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Rukaya @rukaya
I had one on this other website, blackbunny.nl. He said he loved me after 1 day, I thought he was joking but soon found out he didn't. He send me A LOT of messages and when I got online and didn't reply, I got even more. The moment I got online I already got messages from him. When I blocked him, he made an extra account to message me. He was really desperate and kept telling he loved me and I said I would never love him because of the way he acted and blocked his ass again. Didn't get a message again :) Soon after all that happened I deleted my account XD
An Underling of the Void @jasonthedude
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An Underling of the Void @jasonthedude
That's pretty weird yeah, I can have stalker-ish appearance too sometimes. I try to not do it and think logically, but you can get addicted to someone pretty fast(1 day is really really fucking fast though). I want to get rid of this so that if I ever have the possibility on a relationship, I won't mess it up by being a creepy motherfreaking stalker
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