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Peoms, collection 1

(Lady of the Rain) A sacred paradise this land. Dark clouds on the horizon, calming sounds from the heavens, and swirling showers from on high. What some call chaos, she calls harmony. One dwells here, no one else. A strange being, but the one the land needs. She watch's everything, from the waters that fall to the foliage that drinks. Many praise her, and a few despise her. Reasons vary among the people, yet none are grounded in logic nor lore. Yet it affects her not, for she believes in her path. This is her charge, and this is her home. She will not leave, nor will she let up in her service to the land. For as long as the wilderness grows, the Lady of Rain, shall make the heaves cry it's tears of joy for the land.
(Spoken of Rapture) Poison heart you are, such horrible tragedy your eyes have seen, such sorrow is unspeakable. You kneel is ash and blackness, the ruins of war and satisfaction lay around you, yet, you stay? Your true colors are shining threw that cracked armor. Your spirit shields the denizens of the weak, but, what do you receive in return. Nothing. Yet, you still kneel. You've been hurt and yet you will fight. Yes you will fight to find that one again. Nothing will waver you for there is nothing to stop you. Not even deaths embrace can waver you. For your true strength lies within yourself, and you will stand once again.
(Spoken of Khan) Darkness stains your heart, your soul craves the shadows of nothing, why is this. Your blood boils at the stain of evil and your blade begins to rise from the earth. You wish to cut down the evil that breeds in this land and so you shall until hell forfeits in attack. Yet your hurt aches but, not becuase of the mercy you've refused to show, you ache for another Someone you failed, someone dear yet you continue to hunt and destroy no matter the cost The hunt numbs the pain and so your enemies pray to be saved, but they will fall of deaf ears. For until that one returns, you will continue to cut them down until peace returns..
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