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So um... yeah.

Hi. I'm new here. Joined by recommendation of an extremely special friend. ♡ Ahem.. anyways.. I'm a 20yo female from the Southwest. NOT interested in relationships so don't ask. I'll just ignore you. I'm here for roleplaying and maybe making one or two new friends. I'm friendly, but getting me to truly open up is the hard part. So don't take it personally. I'm just not much of a social person. An introvert, to be exact. I prefer having a few close friends rather than having a bunch of associates. As you can probably already tell, I love anime and anything to do with Japan or Asian culture. I've been that way ever since I was little. Check my about me for more info. I will be updating it soon. If ya got any questions or want to chat feel free to drop me a message. See y'all around.
Welcome to MO! hope you have fun here :D
Thank you. I hope this place does not disappoint me.
Welcome to maiotaku :3
May 21, 16 at 7:16pm
Welcome to MO o/
i-its not like i came specifically just to welcome you or anything baka https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-MVdbV3eE1D4/UsCR00qMIwI/AAAAAAAAGis/nShI6z2CBw8/w500-h247/tumblr_min7q3kYxr1r37arko1_500.gif welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here
May 21, 16 at 8:53pm
always nice to see someone else from AZ WELCOME WELCOME ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
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