Why me?

Tiger Festival @animeboy
Why me?
Tiger Festival @animeboy
Honestly I'm not sure why I even exist. I mean it's just, how come living the life of an otaku is so tough? You can't be open about it without ppl looking at you funny or making fun of you,you're into the things more than 90% of ppl in society aren't into,you're normally not into the typical drinking,clubbing,partying,one night stands etc. that most ppl are into, you have to go to expensive ass conventions to meet others of you're kind and sadly some Otakus (like myself) don't have the money or transportation to go to them,But hell even when I do meet other otaku they sure as hell are never interested in talking to me, or they'd have social issues, I mean is it really that hard, really otakus, to befriend someone who shares you're same interests? I'm so peeved that I can't change a damn thing,Day after day I'm always trying to find newcomers to join my decreasing circle of friends, but no their never f&*k#!g interested,it pisses me off when other ppl do this all the damn time, Years of trying and still not one new ally. Then there's a significant other,yeah if you're attractive,cute,hot whatever, good for you, you can get anyone you want,what about someone who's not so attractive like myself? It's not fair and I'm sick and tired of it. I'm always doing the approaching,always saying hi first,always trying to make things work and the other person is just not interested, and frankly I ran out of fucks to give. I'm frustrated and irritated right now. Sigh this totally sucks,I sure hope the upcoming Persona 4 Arena will bring my small circle of friends closer together and strengthen the friendship between us because all we have is each other, Sigh.
I really wish someone for a change would show a powerful interest in me though. But I guess I'm that ugly and uninteresting that no one gives two fucks about my petty existance,ya know since I'm like constantly ignored by many >_>

momohinamori1221 @momohinamori1221
commented on
Why me?
momohinamori1221 @momohinamori1221
D< HEY!!!! no fair!!!!! I exist too!!!! I wanna say HI. so yeah know what! Hey :) lol ik you're my friend on here and I appreciate you :) I would hang out with you but you far away XD and ik how it feels to have no one talk to you :I i feel the same atm. i cant really find anyone and i feel like im the weird one saying things @.@ so yeah! dont worry about it :) someone probably does like you and you dont even know it.

Mop @mop
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Why me?
Mop @mop
Okay, enough with the self-pity. The world is about survival of the fittest; i.e. adapting. It doesn't seem fair that people in the otaku culture have to work harder to fit into society, but life isn't fair. Period.
And truthfully, it's not just otakus that have trouble with being accepting in society. It's everybody. Everybody in the entire world. Do you really think that society is completely made up of people who harmoniously agree with each other? No. Everybody hates society and everybody feels trapped.
But you're trying to see things in a black and white sort of way, when things come in many colors. You don't have to sacrifice who you are to be accepted in this world, you just have to learn what seems "normal" and roll with it. You can stay true to yourself the entire time.
Finding friends isn't ever easy, and truth be told, I don't have anybody outside of one very shallow girl who needs me more than I need her. So count your lucky stars that you have found a circle of them, because some of us can't afford that luxury.
If people don't like what you like, then too bad. Time to go look for other things to like. It's okay to float outside your comfort zone, because more than half the time, that's what EVERYBODY is doing.
Significant others come in all shapes, sizes and looks. You're doing it wrong if you're worried about that. There are couples out there that can consist of two very beautiful people, and there are couples out there that have two people of varying looks, and there are downright weird-looking couples. SO WHAT. You want a significant other? Then stop looking at faces.
Life isn't fair, but you're stuck with one anyway, so make the best of it. Or you can mope about it, but what's that going to fix?

Lyson @lyson
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Why me?
Lyson @lyson
I'll be honest with you Tiger, I stopped reading after the first sentence. My best advice to you would be to completely change your attitude towards life in general. Do not focus on the negative, and focus on the positive. I know that this is no easy task to accomplish, and it wont happen over night. Stop caring about what other people think of you, and how they may judge you. Work on what makes you who you are.

momohinamori1221 @momohinamori1221
commented on
Why me?
momohinamori1221 @momohinamori1221
-bows to Mop!!!!!!!- i agree. I have a sister that's legally retarded >.> it is easier for me to fit it than it is for her. but she tries. But hey i'm proud of her.
I dated a guy that was shorter than me. I'm not picky. No he was not the best looking person ever but you know what i didn't care because i loved his personality. Everyone has a certain someone meant for them.
Be who you are!!!! There is no such thing as "normal" because everyone is unique! What would you rather do, be yourself and love what you have or drop everything to satisfy people who don't give a flying fuck!!!! People who can't except you for you can suck it! My dad taught me that because he wanted me to change. Why? to satisfy him and his side of the family?! NO! No one else can be you! Be happy for who you are and what you have. Some people have it worse than you. just think about that. It makes you appreciate what you have more. :) and go to AFO if you live in FL! you don't have to pay to walk around! And if you do go and see someone dancing Mr. Bean's- Mr.bombastic that would be me X3 I WILL DO IT AND I WONT CARE WHO SAYS ANYTHING BECAUSE IM UNIQUE :D (with a splash of awesome X3 )

Tiger Festival @animeboy
commented on
Why me?
Tiger Festival @animeboy
Sorry everyone I was pretty angry when I posted this >_< forgive me. Something went down and I just went and vented. Once again I apologize.

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
commented on
Why me?
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
Persona life is up and down bumoy road long long bumpy road we are all trapped in a maze of relationships while trying to pursue our true selves sigh ya life is hard I'm only eighteen but been through lots a shitnbut who hasn't thing is if they leave they ain't worth is t my friends always help me and pull through for me quite frankly I do t have a large amount of friends but we are tight and I think that is better than having friends who aren't really friends and don't accept u I'm going to college soon so I have to go out of my comfort zone if I want to meet new ppl but that applies to u too try OK don't give up sides i like sometimes talk to strangers like ppl walking their dogs and at at anime north I get hugs and ask for them go volunteer if u want u can meet new ppl anyway ... to be with someone u should be happy about yourself lol my rambling x.x.. go make more social links k

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
Why me?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
hey we all need to vent from time to time. i guess i am a bit lucky how even tho i am an otaku i still have something else that drives my life that opened doors for me.
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