I Love games!(ps4)

ricardoxortiz @ricardoxortiz
I Love games!(ps4)
ricardoxortiz @ricardoxortiz
Hey everyone! Let's talk about ps4 games and which games you like the most! I love playing every game! So if you want to play with me. tell me your psn name :0

FallenNiteAngel @snowy377
commented on
I Love games!(ps4)
FallenNiteAngel @snowy377
Looking for someone to play cod with me on ps4 for a little bit.

ricardoxortiz @ricardoxortiz
commented on
I Love games!(ps4)
ricardoxortiz @ricardoxortiz
What's your psn name I'll play with you !

FallenNiteAngel @snowy377
commented on
I Love games!(ps4)
FallenNiteAngel @snowy377

ricardoxortiz @ricardoxortiz
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I Love games!(ps4)
ricardoxortiz @ricardoxortiz
Do you only play bo3? Do you have rainbow?

FallenNiteAngel @snowy377
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I Love games!(ps4)
FallenNiteAngel @snowy377
I only play bo3, sao hallow fragment, mine craft. I need to get more games soon. But I don't think I'll be playing tonight.

ricardoxortiz @ricardoxortiz
commented on
I Love games!(ps4)
ricardoxortiz @ricardoxortiz
Mine craft what :0!! I'll add you so we can play later! I'm fear-the-giraffe

FallenNiteAngel @snowy377
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I Love games!(ps4)
FallenNiteAngel @snowy377
Alright. I'll be online later tonight

zombie_saske @zombie_saske
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I Love games!(ps4)
zombie_saske @zombie_saske
I don't have a ps+ but play Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequel, J-Star VS+, Naruto and Watch Dogs

senpai_spike @sf_spike
commented on
I Love games!(ps4)
senpai_spike @sf_spike
anyone got Dark Souls 3?
or bloodborne?
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