Theme Songs

Dartinin @dartinin
Theme Songs
Dartinin @dartinin
Don't seem to be getting any traction on Random so I thought I would ask here too. I apologize if that is breaking forum rules.
"I'm sure that I'm not the only one who gets curious now and then and starts looking up English translations of some of their favorite anime opening and closing theme songs. So please share what you listen to on those cold lonely nights to cheer yourself up. The One Theme song that inspired me to ask this question is The first opening theme song of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso otherwise known as (Your Lie in April) Whats funny is that I haven't even watched the show (Yet) just like the song that much. Oh if you want to look it up the version I'm listening to is by TYER ."

Rem @dragonrem
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Theme Songs
Rem @dragonrem
I love Eureka Seven's opening and ending songs!
Himitsu Kichi-Eureka Seven

rinyukichi101 @rinyukichi101
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Theme Songs
rinyukichi101 @rinyukichi101
I think I have way too many opening that's I love and keep close to my heart but here are some
From the new world ( the ending song)
Noragami the opening
Fullmetal alchemist ( all of the opening and endings ;4;)
Naruto shippuden ending 12

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
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Theme Songs
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers

xxnobaraxx @xxnobaraxx
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Theme Songs
xxnobaraxx @xxnobaraxx
I like "Unravel" the opening song of Tokyo Ghoul. Can't get it out off my head for days after watching ^^ sometimes I find it funny singing it when I'm alone

shnclark @shnclark
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Theme Songs
shnclark @shnclark
i like the 2nd opening of Gokukoku no Brynhildr
and the opening of angel beats

theoreticalcosplay @theoreticalcosplay
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Theme Songs
theoreticalcosplay @theoreticalcosplay
The opening for Gangsta really caught my attention. The overall theme is catchy and upbeat and a little rough and the animation with it catches a good bit of the series too. I was hooked because of that.

sagara_sousuke1 @sagara_sousuke1
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Theme Songs
sagara_sousuke1 @sagara_sousuke1
ScapeGoat for me.... easily the best ED i've heard
in OP i'll go with Boom Boom satellites lay ur hands on me
both are amazing... AoT OP Guren no yumiya is pretty good too or maybe Darker than black OP (both the seasons)
Damn i'm confused.....

C.Raynor @raynor
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Theme Songs
C.Raynor @raynor
Inuyasha has some of the best theme songs especially the endings. Particularly Fukai Mori "Deep Forrest" is pretty soulful.
Full Moon Wo Sagashite's opening songs are the cutest.

otaku\(^~^)/ @otaku2001
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Theme Songs
otaku\(^~^)/ @otaku2001
I like just about every Fairy Tail opening. Some more than others. There's also death note op1, rakudai Kishi no Calvary, both soul eater openings, Yamada-kun, problem children are coming from different world, almost all bleach openings, date a live op1, acchi kochi, lucky star, some SAO openings (nerd rage incoming,) infinite stratos op1, and many many more. (This list will be updated)
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