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On a scales of 1 to 10 how okay are you with never being in another romantic or sexual relationship again?

2 cause it doesn't look to get any better so gotta be prepared for the worst
I could have answered 8 or 9 before this weekend, but this collossalcon has lead to plenty of revelations for me. After getting off work at 2AM on Friday, and making the two hour drive up north, I had plenty of close encounters with death from ohio's usual pot holes and suicidal deer population, cursing myself for being unable to get friday off and enjoy the con to my fullest. I get there at 4 AM, and by luck, a room opens up due to a cancelation. So I have this room that has 2 beds and a futon all to myself. Sadly, I couldn't check in till 4PM, meaning by sunrise (My usual bedtime, thanks to my job), I was getting a little tired. So you know those zombies you see at 6AM at every con who decide "I don't need a room!" That was me when I finally checked in. But after spending the whole day looking for an old con friend who's phone didn't work (Spoiler alert, I still never encountered her on Sunday), I decided to only take an hour nap since I knew if I went to sleep then, I would easily sleep away all of Saturday. In any case, I looked at both beds, the futons, ect: And I decided... This was the perfect chance to make a luxury pillow and blanket fort! And I show you my results. A blanket fort which could have housed up to 4 sleeping bodies comfortably. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c59/Rubberpenguin/My%20friends/13403150_1082985878440939_2928433904852612881_o.jpg The problem? None of my friends got to see it. I couldn't get anyone to visit me and appreciate art. Guess thats my bad for not drinking, and therefore having no alcohol at hand. You guys are the only human eyes besides myself to see this, and the picture only captures half of the interior, therefore not giving my artwork the justice it deserves. So as I slept that night, in my cozy blanket fort, I couldn't help but feel a bit like this. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111107185012/zelda/es/images/f/fb/Forever_alone.jpg Thoughts of my friendless shelter soon carried over to my romantic life, as I realized for the first time in a looooong time, I kinda feel lonely. So at this point in time: 4. 4 is my answer.
Currently, probably like a 6 or so. I have baggage that makes me concerned that maybe I wouldn't necessarily be good for somebody else. I don't particularly like the idea of being alone for the rest of my life either, but it's better than the gut-wrenching pain of promising yourself to someone for the rest of your life only to have all your expectations flipped on their head. I've got friends and family that can help stave off the loneliness, but I don't honestly know if I have the mental fortitude for another dissapointment of that magnitude. "In which case, why are you on this site," you may very well wonder. The short answer is that I haven't completely given up hope; in other people... or in myself.
9 I guess. I mean ideally, I'd like that to not be the case but spend enough time your own and you get used to it. It's only difficult to get used to for the first year or so.
0! I need someone to give all this love to, I'd really like someone that I can just cuddle and chill with, my libido isn't that high so could probably last awhile without sex but it would be a bonus
0 "Before the parade passes by Before it goes on, and only I'm left Before the parade passes by I've gotta get in step while there's still time left I'm ready to move out in front Life without life has no reason or rhyme left With the rest of them With the best of them I wanna hold my head up high I need got a goal again I need got a drive again I wanna feel my heart coming alive again Before the parade passes by"
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