Does anyone watch The Flash? Show is pi$$ing me off..
jsphbuf @jsphbuf
Does anyone watch The Flash? Show is pi$$ing me off..
jsphbuf @jsphbuf
I really want to like The Flash. But the lazy writing is pissing me off. Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't seen but is thinking about watching The Flash TV series. So this season the Flash is up against the villain Zoom. Zoom is the third villain in the series that is faster than the Flash. Which is pretty funny considering the opening of the show starts with "I'm Berry Allen. And I am the fastest man alive!". "Hi Berry". Not even close Berry. But anyway. Earlier in this season Zoom kidnaps Flash and holds him prisoner in Zoom's secret volcano lair. Friends of Flash find the secret lair and manage to rescue Flash against all odds. Yay!! So now we're near the end of the season our hero's find a way to make Flash faster than Zoom. (GASP) The new and improved Flash confronts Zoom, out quicks Zoom, fits Zoom with a restraining bolt. (lol restraining bolt. that's not what they really called it). But instead of finishing Zoom off, and by 'finish' I mean knock him out and put him in a superhero proof jail cell, they decide to banter instead. Zoom then phases through the restraining bolt, zooms off and looses Flash despite just proving to the audience that Flash is now faster. Zoom then kidnaps Wally West and leaves a ransom note saying he will trade Wally for Flash's speed. -Side note, for those of you who don't know, they have a way to suck the speed force out of Flash and insert it in Zoom. It's very sciency and not intended to sound like an innuendo. Or was it...? Flash and Co. are left to decide whether or not to comply with Zoom's demand. And here's where it turns to shit. Because Zoom is holding Wally in the same no-longer-secret volcano lair that he's been using. The gang has already got in and out of there when Berry was second best. Now he's Best best. So what is the question? The question is that the writers need filler to drag out the season. So they saddle us with 2 full episodes of non-super Berry Allen moping and wondering how he can save the day without super speed because he totally caves and gives up his powers. Of course he gets it back later. But if super speed was the answer, WHY DID HE GIVE IT UP IN THE FIRST PLACE!? I tuned in to watch The Flash. Not CSI Central City. It's lazy writing and I'm tired of it. It's why I gave up on comics. Lazy writing and bad continuity.
Riolis @riolis
commented on
Does anyone watch The Flash? Show is pi$$ing me off..
Riolis @riolis
What do you expect. The same reason I stop watching Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow. *cringe*
jsphbuf @jsphbuf
commented on
Does anyone watch The Flash? Show is pi$$ing me off..
jsphbuf @jsphbuf
Touche' I actually gave Arrow a chance because I was liking the Flash in the beginning. But your right, Arrow is as bad or worse in my opinion. And Legends of Tomorrow is just the B list characters of the other 2 shows. *cringe* indeed.
damion_ikari @damion_ikari
commented on
Does anyone watch The Flash? Show is pi$$ing me off..
damion_ikari @damion_ikari
Im almost caught up in the flash... I was surprise to see jay as zoom
Riolis @riolis
commented on
Does anyone watch The Flash? Show is pi$$ing me off..
Riolis @riolis
I saw it right from the beginning. Same arc like reverse-flash.
IMHO I think that episode with his dad was boring and unnecessary. At the end of it he's not gonna listen to him anyways, and his dad reasoning doesn't make any sense to me.
damion_ikari @damion_ikari
commented on
Does anyone watch The Flash? Show is pi$$ing me off..
damion_ikari @damion_ikari
Ep. 20 was a shock to me how he just vanished
jsphbuf @jsphbuf
commented on
Does anyone watch The Flash? Show is pi$$ing me off..
jsphbuf @jsphbuf
@damion I was kind of surprised about Jay myself. It occurred to me he might be Zoom when he pointed out that his Earth-1 counter part was Hunter Zolomon. When Zoom reaches through the portal and kills "Jay" he later explains that he talked his Earth-1 double into "standing in" for him. But Jay was also present the first time Zoom kicks Berry's ass earlier in the season(if I remember correctly). So I guess the Earth-1 counter part had been in on it from the beginning? I guess that works but they really didn't show us any reason why the double would do that.
damion_ikari @damion_ikari
commented on
Does anyone watch The Flash? Show is pi$$ing me off..
damion_ikari @damion_ikari
I want to know who the man in the iron mask is that zoom has locked up
jsphbuf @jsphbuf
commented on
Does anyone watch The Flash? Show is pi$$ing me off..
jsphbuf @jsphbuf
Pretty sure that's Earth-2 Wally West. I would have bet more heavily on that but it looks like Wells's daughter (can't remember her name)is a speedster now when I thought Wally was going to get powers.
Riolis @riolis
commented on
Does anyone watch The Flash? Show is pi$$ing me off..
Riolis @riolis
I'm guessing Wally as well, as they haven't show his doppelganger in earth 2. Plus I read somewhere wally is a speedster as well, so he might be the flash in earth 2.
The latest episode was touching, but speed force speaking to you makes no sense. Plot getting more messed up.
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