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Jun 10, 16 at 6:00pm
I would be fine with dating a "husky" person.
Jun 17, 16 at 11:21am
Weight isn't a problem at all, I'm no slim athletic guy myself so why should I judge other people for it ? What matters most is the personality and common interests :D Let's take on the world together :P
Jun 19, 16 at 7:54pm
My girlfriend is pretty chubby, and she's also taller then I am, so you know, its pretty funny. Lol
I've been back and forth with being fat and fit, there's nothing wrong with being overweight, it's just unhealthy. I wouldn't mind dating someone that's chubby as long as if they're willing to live a healthier lifestyle.
I'm a big guy myself and, all things considered, no one will give me the time of day regardless of body type. I'm not saying the "dreaded friendzone" is a thing but when every I try, one of a number of things happens. (Please Note: the following examples have happened to me regardless of body type or race) 1. All I end up as is a good friend or (even worse) "like a brother". 2. We click but at the very last moment "Oh. I'm very sorry. I already have a boyfriend/girlfriend." 3. "I'm sorry. I don't like black guys." *two weeks later* "I just got a new boyfriend! "Wait, what? When?* "2 days after you asked me out!" *she shows you a picture and the guy is black* 4. "No... -_-" "What? Why not?" "Cuz your fat... -_-" (meh atleast they were honest about it) 5. They're misleadingly young. (that happens to me more times than I'm willing to admit...) I could go on but I'm sure you get the idea. At my age body type is a nonissue. Also with my body type, I've never had the luxury of being "picky" (though I do still have standards) In the end, I guess what trying to say is that body type doesn't matter on both sides. If what I said doesn't make sense to anyone...well...I don't make sense myself soooooooo...
Max @reclaw commented on FATTIES
Jul 03, 16 at 4:30pm
Nope nope nope nope nooooooope nope. Go work out.
Jul 03, 16 at 5:37pm
Max, At least you're honest about it. I see soooo many "I'd accept them no matter what." types of answers. When I see that I just wonder why they're single if they're so open and accepting? People need to be honest, even if they don't look like a knight while doing so.
Jul 03, 16 at 5:47pm
^ Political Correctness. That's your answer mate.
lol thats just the harsh reality, most people dont like fat people, i know fat people who say they wont even date another fat person, i know cuss i was there too make them gains and ull get that booty
I don't mind big and cream filled is even better:P
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