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. @richaadokun commented on FATTIES
May 08, 16 at 8:12pm
I used to be chubby in middle school but then I made a bunch of changes because I didn't really like myself the way I was ^^;. That being said I tend to be pretty sympathetic because I know what it's like, I was bullied a good bit :c. As long as you're happy and healthy more power to you! I'm sure there are plenty of people out there for you, don't give up! ^^
It's dificult to deal with, but with effort one can really make a difference. Last year I weighed at about 270 pounds, but after about 7 months of work, I got down to 198, and although I've gained some back thanks to being to falling off my diet a bit, I'm feeling real good about myself for the first time in a long time!
May 08, 16 at 11:11pm
@Sun Yeah I wasn't trying to translate your post haha I was just adding on in my own words. "Reiterating" as someone said.
May 26, 16 at 4:23pm
It's a turnoff at a core primal level so I don't really think about it much it's just undesirable. Sorry if that sounds cold.
May 29, 16 at 8:20pm
I don't think no one wants to date 'fatties', everyone has a preference. If someone really does love you then weight won't be an issue. Though maybe, in all honesty, it's good to make a plan with your partner and work on getting in shape so you guys can have a long life together. :) Don't give up, someone is going to love you for you and bring out the best in you no matter what you look like. Fighting!~ ☆Ichi
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Cid @tylor commented on FATTIES
May 31, 16 at 8:26pm
Realy it dose not matter what the person looks like surly what matters is the person and their personality well thats how it is for me. Sadly though the human brain is programed by nature to look for particulate figures that are best for repetition. This was put to a test by the BBC years ago but sadly I cant remember what it was called but it was done by asking native jungle Tribes from all over the world were the people in them had had no inference from the outside there for having no concept of looks and media flannel. Oddly they all chose the same body type and stated that they chose this not for looks but as it was best for reproduction and would provide the best children. all of which were thinnish women wit large bests and and wide hips
Sunbae @alanzd commented on FATTIES
May 31, 16 at 8:29pm
I don't really discriminate against fat people because I do believe you should love your body. But if you love your body, you should take care of it or at least try. There's a difference between promoting body positivity and promoting unhealthiness, especially since our child obesity rate is so high. I was one of those obese children at a time: I used to be extremely overweight. When I was 14, I was like a pillow: 5' 3" and at least 220 lbs. It haunts me to this day because of the pictures oh god the pictures. I don't exactly remember how I let myself get to that. I wasn't depressed, stressed out, or anything really and no one really bullied me for being overweight. But I also used to be a lot more fabulous back then. It took at least 20 months and some luck but I slimmed down. I got lucky because I hit my growth spurt and puberty late. So during the time my growth spurt happened, I was slimming down and it majorly helped. Within 20 months my height spiked by 6" half a foot and I weighed 170 lbs. Actually, I was around 160 but then for some reason I started gaining weight even though I cleaned up my diet. Oh well. I've really only grown like an inch and a half since then and I've stayed around the 180 area for a while. But when I first started exercising, this lady came up to me and said these words: "You don't have to lose weight. You're perfect the way you are! You shouldn't let society tell you what to do!" And honestly, I agree with her. But, lady, I had high blood pressure and I was 80 lbs above what my height should be. My BF% was double of what it should be. I need to take care of myself. No one pressured me to do it and even if they did, I should be thanking them. So it really makes me angry when people are promoting child obesity. Like brah, there's a difference between body positivity and promoting obesity. It's not like peer pressuring children into doing crack, which some hardcore liberals make it out to be. They usually go.
C.Raynor @raynor commented on FATTIES
May 31, 16 at 9:56pm
As an overweight person I really give no shits about how fat someone is. My best friend is bigger than me and she got more guys than I ever could. Why? Cause she has the personality of a goddess. My main concern is health. Diabetes is a terrifying disorder that I would only wish on the worst human beings on the planet. Being too big to fit into a CT Scan is also an issue. Being overweight though can be a bonus for women IMO. It can add to the boobage.
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