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Your worst exs?

Aug 02, 19 at 5:58pm
Does it count if they didnt know we were going out? https://media.giphy.com/media/boLCBYvR8Hmmc/giphy.gif
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Aug 02, 19 at 6:03pm
Yes, well... On your behalf I hope his dick rots.
Hmmmmm pick ur poison -Girl who had no self confidence whatsoever -would ignore you for days if you said something to piss her off - constantly says she feels lonely even tho you guys are together 24/7 -ends up cheating on you anyway -girl who was super clingy -prverted as heck (every conversation would jump to sex) -wouldnt let you get time to yourself hut had no problem leaving when she had something she wanted to do -literally trash her room at slightest hint of break up -long distance grill -strict parents -lies alot if it meant she could have things go her way -easily manipulated by people -rather live in a world where she is abused than decide to take a chance on you
reading this thread made me realize that I actually don't really have any really crappy ex stories. hopefully it stays that way. :U
Aug 02, 19 at 6:05pm
@thesailingteacup thats so sad what a dick ^^agreed hopefully his dick rots cause thats horrible. Hopefully his friends still shit talk him about that and dont let him ever forget what an awful person he is
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Aug 02, 19 at 6:17pm
I never end my relationships with a bad end. So unfortunately I have no stories to tell. :(
Aug 02, 19 at 6:17pm
I would like to believe that on most relationships the fault lies on both parties to a degree even if one of them ends up being "the worst" of the two. With that said, one of my exes faked over the phone being assaulted by a burglar just so that I would rush to her house to fight for her. Of course, it was all a lie and it was a test to see "if I still cared about her enough to save her" Man... People sometimes are crazy to the boot and they aren't aware of their own mental deficits while thinking they are perfect...
Im sorry for you tea cup! And idk what hurt me more or was the worst for me! -1st really clingy gf, where no breathing room, or free time to do anything! -2nd was hung up for her for a longtime after breaking up, and she had to listen to some guy that liked her, because the guy feared that i might win over him! 3rd Rebound for the 2nd! o,o (ye im a douche but i realized it too late that she was a rebound, so im very sorry....)
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