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How important do you think it is to let yourself be vunerable in a relationship?

@inter_change I have the same ability. It takes me up to a whole year to know someone and it takes me up to four or three months to go out with that someone if they have pass the time. I they don't wait then I don't put any effort. They have to prove themselves and wait if they wait and make it pass that finish line then I will open up and accept them as my lover. I don't start kissing my lover ass until I say the words "I love you" but if he makes me feel obligated to say those special words i will say them but I will not mean them and I will let him know I don't mean it too. He got accepted by me but, that doesn't mean I'm going to offer him some ass kissing just yet and force myself to feel something until I truly feel it. When he doesn't force it on me or pressure me then little by little I let my guard down and turn off my gut feelings delete my friends from my mind and keep him inside and put him first. Though I admit it hell at first to get me to love a person but, when I do I'm committed and pure with my feelings and always treat him like a girlfriend and a boyfriend and a husband and a best friend at the same time. ^_^
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